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Changes to ISSR-C 'Kingdom'

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I suggest a buff to the range of ISSR-C 'Kingdom' range to at least 40-45 meters (maybe 42m drop-off start to match oscar *with improved rifling*) as it's currently a worse joker sr/oscar. It loses to smgs at close range and assault rifles at medium range and also loses to joker sr/oscar on the 20-30meters because they can hipfire accurately. And, because of the legendary red mod you can't increase the range either. I mean it's not terrible, it's just very.. average, like other previous legendaries New Glory and Corsair. 

What I'd personally like to see is 45-60m range on the gun, and give it some bloom to compensate. That way it would be better on long range than oscar/joker sr, lose to assault rifles on ~50+ meters and also be weaker to smg's than it currently is due to bloom. If the gun had bloom similar to oscar, or perhaps something like AR-97 Misery with a slow gain and slow recovery to bloom, could be interesting as well.

It's a rather boring gun to use with minimal bloom and recoil, and at the same time it doesn't have a niche its useful in, and it would be a great option to bridge the gap between close range rifles like oscar and assault rifles.

Edited by ColorBauss

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