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The next step

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I've been an on/off apb reloaded gamer since before apb was available on steam, i saw the downfall of G1 on apb, and little orbit taking over.
With over 3000 hours over the span the game's existence ive now found myself playing it again after almost a year break.

I want to give credit where credit is due, where back in the day it was badly optimized, constant lagg spikes, a swarm of cheaters.
The game now feels smooth, Good gameplay, decent matchmaking. No longer p2w.. 

But now that the base gameplay is solved, and the game is fun to play
U need goals.. Ive noticed people suggesting stuff like this aswell on the forum, adding more content (a reason to play the game)

In my view the main issue right now is that creating a clan has no benefit other than having people to do missions with.
active clans create communities u want to hang out with and log in for.
so in my view, the next thing that needs to be added is a reason to play(other than missions) 
Creating clan pvp + leaderboard with rewards is that next thing .. 

This can be done in various ways .. 
create a seperate map where clans can attack regions of other clans and than fight in a form of fight club way over the regions.
The regions create revennue for the clan and a leaderboard based on wins or most regions etc for end of the season rewards such as special helmets or outfits only obtainable trough this for of pvp.

U can also turn certain buildings on the map into clan areas, where during certain 'siege' times or days other clans can attack and try to take it from them .. 
A reason to log on and attack / defend 
Raid eachothers bases for revenue etc..

Let clan leaders be able to create clan gear that members than can be gifted or purchase so that they wear the clan outfits, without actually having to constantly duplicate things to trade.. 

There's so much possibility with this, but the main issue is, we need a reason to log, cuz the missions are repetitive, and is fun for a while, but at some point we need something to commit in..
Creating a competitive community is just that thing that would make APB that little bit more active..

I hope u consider this, 
I dont expect u to work this out just as i said it but a consideration of things to benefit clans, would be great

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Hmm, what you write is very interesting. But I wouldn't tie the gameplay of the game to clan content. Because most people play without a clan and most players are solo players. But the idea of sieges and territorial captures in the area sounds interesting. Make a Daily Event in which the area will be divided into zones of influence that will need to be captured. And also add missions with races. Where you will need to race cars.

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