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Am I the only one getting this weird audio bug with SMGs?

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It seems like every time I get around someone thats using an smg on me it sounds like theyre bursting in like super fast spurts.  Im starting to wonder if its to due with the weird latency problems cause I also have this isue whenever two people tag me and one kills me the game cant decide who got the kill so it like starts to zoom towards the other person and then snaps fast onto the other guy... IDK its just super weird

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By itself that's usually server hiccups or high player latency. More often you probably notice when shotguns fire a shell, other guns' audio stops until the shotgun pellets hit their target and then the stopped audio catches up with itself, making that "spurt" effect. That can also happen with vehicle explosions and grenades sometimes if you have an older audio card/pc.



P.S. the shotgun doesn't need to be visible to you, you just need to be able to hear the pellets hitting to get the bug

Edited by SLICKIEM

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