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games in unplayable

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Will there be any real game updates and not just some g2a cash grabs? Playing enforcer is now literally unimaginative hell. It is unplayable, balancing is even worse than before, toxicity is insane. You start a mission and you see your 3 teammates with you at the start, and then 2sec later they all abandon. Now you are stuck with 4 objectives against a opponent way above your league and you can't even call backup. Firstly, why would even game allow 1 player do a mission where 3 people are bare minimum and not allow to call backup? Why is constant insults, toxic behaviour is not punishable when GM's are logging to the game everyday? Why this game feels so abandoned, and left to rot?

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This is the side effect of the new matchmaking update. Their idea of "balancing" is grouping together a wide range of skill on the same team against a pre-made group, not to mention the community in NA is small so players instantly know who they can and can't win against.


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I share your frustration. The game needs serious updates, better balancing, and stricter penalties for toxic behavior. The developers should focus on real improvements rather than quick cash grabs. Look at how the Nulls Brawl game handles updates and player feedback—our game could learn a lot from that.

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