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GTX 1660, RTX 20,30 Series FIX "Tutorial"

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So everyone who has one of the GPUs above probably had some issues while playing.


Me and some friend who also have those GPUs found a way to lower the crashes and stuttering caused by the game, follow these steps:

1- Use Fullscreen or Borderless Fullscreen.

2- If you're using Borderless Fullscreen, do not interact with anything outside the game without following steps 3 and 4

2- DO NOT ALT+TAB when you die or TAB to check the scoreboard. (For some reason this causes stutters and might freeze/crash your game. Wait after respawn to check Scoreboard)

3- Disable Smooth Frame Rate and V-Sync

4- Before you ALT+TAB open some kind of UI, for example your inventory, locker,etc. (I don't know why but this seems to fix game freezing/stuttering before you alt+tab back

5- If your game starts to stutter all the time you respawn or TAB, close and open your game again, then follow steps 1-4 (Your game might crash if those stutters keep happening)

6- Update your drivers


After following those steps me and my friends we managed to play a whole day without the game crashing or having huge stutters, otherwise just wait for a fix

@Edit: added info to step 2

Edited by MrM0dZ

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