MeatyNomNoms 7 Posted August 26, 2021 So there are a number of problems with VIP missions that still need to be fixed. Players abandoning the mission before op creates balance issues and it's just not fun being VIP IMO. I have had 1v1 VIP missions when multiple teammates abandoned before the mission started and I didn't have time to. Even a 2v2 VIP mission doesn't feel balanced and I know LO tried to remove those but they still happen thanks to /abandonmission. A bigger issue for me and my team is that being VIP just sucks. The entire enemy team constantly has your location and you basically just have to try to hide behind teammates until the match is done. IMO VIP missions should either be removed or fixed. Some fixes I can think of are having a VIP on both sides and maybe even have that VIP switch to different players if the current VIP dies. I played another game with VIP missions that used this method and also awarded extra points to the team when the current VIP killed an enemy. I think something like this could make VIP missions actually kinda fun. I know some of these changes would probably be hard to make in the current state of the game but I'd just appreciate not being stuck in a VIP mission periodically whether that means removing them or making some changes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites