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All major problems with apb on console (UPDATED)

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Frame Rate and Game Crashes

• The game will have a sever problem with fps as its very inconsistant the fps will occationally drop to 20 fps and struggles to stay at 60. This forces players to restart the game. The game can lose more fps from the hud and turning it off increases frames when it is removed (Using keyboard to remove hud). The game will randomly crash occasionally no for specific reason.

Marksmen Sensitivity

• Sensitivity isnt adjustable, for most console players standards as the limit for console too low. Its .50 when it should have the same limit as viewing sensitivity


• A lot of the servers end up being down from people doxxing them and can distrupt game play for multiple hours and a few times even days

Aim Assist

• Aim assist can not be turned off and also locks on to people through walls exposing players locations without physically seeing someone. personally i dont think aim assist fits this game considering how it is almost an aimbot.

Other Problems/w APB General Problems

• Jumping gas station sidewalks makes you stuck in a falling animation and kills you from fall damage

• Deleting certain icons off clothes can make the game crash

• Areas of the map that arent supposed to be entered, people can go through certain doors on maps, and done by accident can kill you

• Sluggish car physics

• TeamKillers can repeatedly team kill

• When entering cars the animation can occasionally skip and youll eneter the car immediately 


• Cant alternate between North American servers and Europian servers with the same account

Edited by Omzlpun
Made things more clear with some other glitches and problems i should've adressed
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