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I keep getting disconnected how to do traceroute

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I havent been able to play apb for more than an hour in the past couple weeks.  I keep getting disconnected and getting the error messsage "you have been disconnected from the server unexpectedly. The server may have gone offline, or you may be experiencing network connectivity issues. Please note a common problem is that your character has been locked in a district server - it takes a maximum of 15 mins for them to be unlocked".  I put in a support ticket and am still waiting.  I contacted my ISP and they said to run a traceroute to the IP address of the game server.  I tired to find the game server by doing the Netstat - n thing but when I did that a whole bunch of IP addresses were listed so I have no idea which one to do the traceroute to.  Can someone help me with an IP address for APB?  Or have another way to solve this issue?  Thanks

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