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Steam password expired

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So after -/+ a year ive decided to give APB a try again BUT,

I'm used to sign in via steam at the time being, but it says my password is expired.

Now I've tried to contact support yesterday but they have deleted my ticket for no reason.

Logging in with the same email doesn't work because I've never linked my steam to any G1 account.

I've spend quite a lot of money on that account but now its gone, 

I created a new acc yesterday and tried to add my main char name to my friends but it says no such name exists.


Is there been a wipe of accounts or is it possible to get this back somehow??



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In January 2018 there was a forced password reset, that's probably why you've got this problem.

I doubt they deleted your ticket, but they are on really long response times which you can check up on in this thread.

Your steam is linked to a G1 account, it has to be. That account might be on a different email than your steam though, that all depends on what you did while creating it.

The character needs to be online to be added to friendslist, so that makes sense. 


Just wait out the support ticket and it should just be as simple as confirming you're the rightful owner of the account and then reset the password.

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