For a while now , new players have been quite confused with the stats shown in APB's weapon descriptions , not being reflective towards what they actually do ,
So the change that im proposing is instead of using that system:
Replace those bars with actual numbers that are tied to the weapon's damage :
Note that this is using STAR stats taken from used as an exemple .
I replaced the "Rate of fire" with "Fire interval" wich in my opinion much more reflective of how a weapon will behave , and the Mobillity section with a Percentage , as an exemple Star doesn't affect your mobility , while a weapon such as Medusa would slightly reduce your speed (80%) , and a weapon like Heavy HVR heavely slows you down (50%).
This change would not only make it easier for people to know precisely how a weapon will behave but also save some work from the devs as the values shown would be directly tied to the weapon's damage variables , so no manual changes would be needed when doing balancing .