Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.
While it may not necessarily be that particular time of day when you read this, I was aptly informed to create a forum thread regarding my twitch channel.
Monday - Thursday: 6:30pm* - 11:30pm*
Friday: 6pm - Late (read: after midnight)
Saturday: Afternoon Start - Late
Sunday: Afternoon Start - 11:00pm
* Please note that these times are the the start points I want to hit, but I do typically run late on this due to other arrangements.
Typically, you can find out the moment I'm going live from my twitter.
If you're interested in joining in further (rather than JUST the APB streams), I have a discord you can join here.
What Is Streamed:
Presently, I have the following arrangement for the streaming week:
Focus Game: This is the game I typically play and stream during the week day streams (excluding Friday). This is one that I plan on investing more time into or I'm having a lot of fun with. This can vary depending on what I feel like doing, but typically it'll stick to one game for the week.
APB Stream: I have Fridays booked as a guaranteed APB Stream. Unless something else comes up or I'm not able to stream on Friday, you can expect this day to be when I stream APB.
Weekends: Anything goes. I might try out some other games or continue playing the focus game that I've been streaming over the week. Depends what people are interested in. It's definitely more flexible here. I might even sneak in an additional APB stream if I feel up for it or it's been going well.
The Stream: