Personally, I'd like to see a Trello page for APB so that we can the players can see what being worked on and the progress of the game. This would also allow us to see what is planned for the game.
For the people that don't know what Trello is. Trello is a web software that can be used to make "Boards" which can be accessed by creators to create basically a roadmap or a to-do list if you want to call it that. It can be set to allowing visitors to the Trello board to view it and see all the info that has been allowed for those visitors to see. The owner of the boards can also set progress bars categories and many other things.
If you are still unsure what Trello is, search up on google "Tower Unite Trello", that is a current roadmap set up for another game and will give you a clear picture what Trello is all about!