This post is to show the owner that the idea is serious.
Would you dare to subscribe for a year in premium if the game were to be released in a playable state? (with my idea) with the condition, of course, that levels / objects remain in the game once it is upgraded. (if this can really happen).
I lay the first stone, I pay a one-year premium.
let's show the "real interest" and have them make numbers.
Please don't put silly answers just to the topic.
I repeat, please, the topic, it is about who subscribes and who does not, thanks in advance
The number of active subscriptions will be edited and updated: number of active subscriptions per year = 60 ( and players will buy some premium shit as wardrove or others, me too would buy 100% sure)
edit: there is people will play it for live, i count each one as double year, but posibly subcriptions is more than actual numbers.