If there was no indication of rank before people joined a district then everyone would be on a level playing field. Golds would not be able to farm Green and bronzes for cash because they wouldn't know who was in the district prior to joining. Isn't this how it used to be in RTW times? I think that rank should be ONLY shown once a match is over in the final score board.
Why do we have segregated districts anyway? Its a target for farming! G1 were clueless game sellers; NOT (prior to taking on APB) game designers, or producers - please LO fix this horrible sick and twisted mess!
I also used to think it was very cool when a high ranked player came to a district and it was announced to the district at the top of the UI. This is something that should also be reintroduced (or simply turned back on!) becuase APB was built to make the top 1% of players feel that they were there for a reason. They were the very best!
Being Gold is an achievement that a player should be proud of and should only be achievable my the seriously upper skilled players (the top 1%).
Showing the whole player base that there is a place where, when you get allot better than a specific group of players, you can go and farm them for extra rewards as is happening across the board right now, is seriously toxic and needs to be removed as soon as possible!