I grew tired of constantly copying my super-secure password from another place, so I came up with this crazy mega idea. Create a bat-file, then put this text in it:
@echo off ::turns off console output to the screen
echo|set /p=yourpasswordhere|clip ::copies the specified text to the clipboard
start /d "C:\Games\APB Reloaded\Launcher" APBLauncherprogram ::specifies the path to the launcher
you may copy the whole paragraph. :: is used for commenting. After the game is launched and you appear in the lobby screen, simply press CTRL-V and voila!
To create and edit a bat file:
1. create a text file on the desktop
2. change the extension from .txt to .bat (if you can't do it, google show file extensions windows 10)
3. Right Mouse Button click on it -> Edit
Moderators, can you please edit my starter post, so the word
appears as APBLauncher. e x e without spaces. The forum changed it somehow.