As usual, San Paro need something for cover the wall and help player to remember when premium or items expires!
FreshMilk Company sponsor for free to made it.
With the amazing (real amazing) Kelly Custom Shopping support it will be ready for 1Q2014 december 2019!
If you are interested to be the cover girl (or man) of month just send a picture HERE of you char.
Audition will be done in my discord channel.
Oh no, again! This year too???
You bombed San Paro!!! how you dare??
-i was bored
Your absurd milk troops will be in calendar too??
-febbruary and april.
I want be in picture with my best friend, can we do group photo?
This is systematicly the worst and stupid idea of all time! I guess there will be horses too!!!
-yes and yes.
Little Orbit support this idiot casting??
-neither for a second.
TrueOgre is Op?
Your english is worst year by year! How is possible?
-50% of my friends speak cyryllic and nothing more, we talk with emotes.
I want nWd3 !!!
-Private calendar is private.
Ehy, you will undress my char!!??
-just a bit for art .
Are you asking money??
-neither a cent, ugly greedy scrooge.
I have male character can i join?
i have futa char. can i join?
-sure, nobody will notice.
i have chubby char can i join?
-sure, but avoid to finish the donuts
How to double upvote?
-post a +2
-Only after Engine Upgrade.
Update: Nearly full all auditions, just one month to go ,Be the October Girl .