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Posts posted by Medin

  1. 8 hours ago, Truehin said:


    After reading the first Matt's post about migration (it said APB$ are removing) I decided to spend APB$ (2kk) on cars and modificators.

    But in the light of recent event can I return this $?

    нет ты же сам их потратил

  2. 11 minutes ago, kERHUS said:

    While contact with the INNOVA is established I want to ask one (offtop):
    Necrova Nickname Database has already been moved to CITADEL?
    Because i can't create my nickname "kERHUS" on Citadel, game says "This character already exists".
    I don't want face to face the problem of creating a new nickname. "kERHUS" my megaoriginal nick :c
    You just said that if the nickname is identical, then a free ticket will be issued to change the nickname.
    it's badly if players start creating identical nicknames then change a nickname of the transferred character.

    A good idea to leave a priority in the nickname of the player who was more active in all the time. But it may happen that the person created the character, ran and abandoned the game.

  3. 1 hour ago, Zazzi said:


    Why do not you transfer the things that were purchased on ru armas? just transfer the entire character from the Necro, and all the items that are on this account?

    Они просто думают, что мы будем опять донатить и заново покупать весь шмот.



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