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Posts posted by Rolhen

  1. On 6/6/2023 at 5:39 PM, bRnTnD said:

    Hello everybody,


    I would like to know the intention of the development team and community how much this game pleases a lot of people and also how much it has been standing in the same place since forever.


    Updates for this will still have or will we always stay the same?


    The problem today is that the maximum is 150 players adding all the districts in the game.


    I don't see anything that will add for new players to come in and have fun with the game.


    The game is literally pay to win where you need to spend on premiums and weapons to be able to clash with those who have been playing for some time...


    The progression of the game is plastered. New players get stuck in levels as they need to change districts in order to continue their progress.


    In-game money is very scarce where you need thousands of missions to acquire in-game items. In this way it interferes with the internal trade of the game itself.


    In view of this, it is clear that new players are discouraged by the facts mentioned above and go in search of new games.


    Most of the players on the servers today are aware of the time they are there.


    This game is only active old guard.


    Note: They could have a discord server for the entire community to interact... Because the forum method seems like we are in the stone age....

    The game should be closed, even though games nowadays suck, APB is still worse than them.


  2. 27 minutes ago, Kempington said:

    Although not a great review, it does outline a major issue with this game, the tutorial.

    What's more problematic with the tutorial is it prevents you from having grenades or a ammo resupply box if you don't complete all the necessary items. Most of these you'll do naturally from moving and shooting, but some might be overlooked, such as checking the mailbox or purchasing ammo for your weapon.

    Sadly, most new players won't care to read walls of text and won't pay attention to the tutorial on the right. I think a more hand held experience is needed.

    He basically explains nothing, neither wants to try hard to understand the game, just added one more video to his channel...

  3. On 7/31/2018 at 9:15 AM, Thelnformer said:

    - Fixes to Friends system
    We found several bad problems with this system that allowed players to grief other players. You will now need to accept friend invites before a friend is added to your account. No other players can see your exact location till you accept the invite - including on the player search feature.

    I use this FRIEND system extensively to avoid certain "personalities"  with certain "special abilities". I add them to my friend list and never join an instance if these "special powered" players are there...Pretty sure there are several others in APBR who does the same....

    Please dont fix something that doesnt need to be FIX'D 😞

    Instead of simply making it "accept to be friends" by default, give it some toggle button, if someone doesnt want to be automatically added , then let them have an option which tells them

    "player X wants to be friends"-Yes or NO...wo


    Just learn how to play or  wait for the new system matchmaking system lul...

  4. On 7/3/2018 at 4:05 AM, professionalgamer said:

    maybe ur just bad kiddo

    With the Tommy Gun, I usually win a lot in close range against Oca or CSG/JG.  It has happened to me a lot of times, people asking if the weapon got buffed.

    At the beginning it is difficult to control the recoil of the weapon, but in time you will see that it becomes easy to control. But many people prefer to play with another type of submachine guns because they are easier to use. 

    And yes, they need to revert.

  5. 23 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi guys,


    Spoiler: I am going to get rid of Fight Club and Open Conflict.

    Besides the awkward FPS problems, I don't feel either of these are fulfilling their role in the game at all.

    We're 100% focused on cleaning up the lag and server performance right now.


    But as soon as that's done, and the game is playing smoother, then I'll announce the new mode that will be replacing them.



    "I am going to get rid of Fight Club." Well NO! It will only kill the game even more.



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