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Posts posted by Lauterec

  1. 7 hours ago, SLICKIEM said:

    i have a friend that always buys a case of these for road trips and i hate it

    Perfect because no one else ever eats them. That's why I bring mints to school instead of gum because no one ever asks for a mint.

  2. On 2/27/2019 at 5:58 AM, Zsm00th said:

    I would like to see a classic version of the io growl. Maybe make it be 250k.

    You mean like a vintage corvette? Like a stingray? That'd be super cool.

  3. 2 hours ago, justchecking said:

    sometimes you come accross legacy code which you don't know when you will be able to fix at first look, give it time.

    Can't even imagine what kind of nightmare $100,000,000 worth of 2009 code is on a decade old engine. I'm impressed with what they've done already.

    • Like 2

  4. 9 hours ago, WhiskeyTangoFoxX said:

    IMO that pack was far from good. Even as a non-premium player you make more than enough cash with very little effort to afford all the no-slot guns in the game. Like, you make that kind of money in a handful of missions at most. Especially since we can extend leases without having to buy the guns again from contacts just makes the convenience of that back be worth even less. I'm not sure I would go all the way and say the pack was a scam, but damn if it's not close.


    Also I am fairly certain the price you listed was on sale, I recall it being around the 2k mark.

    I just found it annoying where I would buy the guns I used for ten days, not play for a week or so because I simply didn't have the time and have the guns basically be wasted. I also wasn't aware of renewing the leases. However the price being a sale I would say you were probably right, since sales were the only time I bought anything and I likely used one of the free premium codes as well.  Considering it was overpriced, not very good, one might even say scam, I see no reason why it would be a bad thing to add it back in since it would only be more revenue for LO. 




    9 hours ago, Nitronik said:

    weren't those 30 day only? Some of them are giving you a disservice by not having any slots - NTEC and HVR totally benefit from mods

    They were account lifetime perm. I agree with the no mods thing, however as a filthy casual having no mods was totally fine for me and I could always rack up quite a few kills with just the base weapons, but that was part of the catch of the pack. Having mod slots for the weapons obviously would have engorged the price by a few thousand.

  5. What ever happened to the VWP?


    I was looking to buy it again on my new account and couldn't find it, assumed I was crazy and it never existed.

    Then on a whim I looked at the purchase history on my old account and sure enough, here it was.


    Vital Weapons Pack (Account Lifetime) 1,039 G1C 2015-08-11 22:19G1 Credits


    Why was this removed? The more important question, can it come back? It provided some basic weapons including the:



    Joker SR15 Carbine


    OCA-EW 626

    N-HVR 762


    These basic no mod weapons are perfect for casual players like me that play once in a while and want to be able to do Joker challenges (and with the basic tutorial completed, the choosing of the Shaw has all the basics covered) without buying temporary weapons or purchasing extremely expensive premium ones. It would be a nice way to introduce new buyers into Armas as well. However unlikely since this is supposed to be business, but if these weapons were to be given for completing say the advanced tutorial, would also be neat but I don't see that happening.

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