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  1. Before I start, I think most of the people that give feedback here haven't played APB for at least 2000 hours and I don't think their feedback matters very much, seeing that they want to turn the APB BR into a completely different thing (e.g. parachuting onto the map, etc.), ignoring any kind of balancing problems that come with it for APB. But let's get to my own feedback now. Positives I enjoy the game mode overall. I do think that having more ways than one to actually win a match (bribing + killing every other team) offers another dimension, that most other BRs simply can't give. Furthermore, the bribing aspect actually makes your whole journey before the final zone more important, since it matters how involved you are in the match. I also like the aspect of being able to buy your gun (unlike what some other people say in this thread), since it removes some RNG in whether you find a gun or not, which additionally ads another dimension to managing your economy for the endzone. Same applies to the respawns being tied to your money, too. I like the map changes and I actually think the map is pretty balanced in terms of spots, unlike some spots on the regular financial map. I also like the fact, that the mode tries to use more "non-meta" weapons in order to level the playing field a little more (i.e. people like me having thousands of hours on guns like an NTEC having to play an LCR or other guns with a lower skill ceiling), however I do think guns should be spawned a little more frequently. Lastly I also like the fact, that players themselves can control when to trigger certain zones to actively influence the map, however there are some more gamebreaking downsides concerning this below. Negatives As some previous replies mentioned, please reduce the interface to the minimum. For example, seeing a huge riot symbol in the top center of your screen adds nothing to the experience and just takes up a huge part of the FOV for no reason. Furthermore, reduce the size of the arming messages, as again, a smaller text on the center right or top center of the screen would suffice. Unlike others, I think the spawns are mostly fine, although I do agree with the fact, that HazMats should not automatically equip on respawn, because you can certainly make it back into the zone almost always (there are some ridiculous exceptions, but similar spawn systems in other games occasionally also have hiccups, that is fine), if you time your HazMat correctly. As previously touched on, please add slightly more weapon spawns and spice up the variety a little bit, as there are some weapons, such as the FAR or NFAS/PMGs, that spawn far more frequently than others from what I have seen. Now let's come to the previously mentioned zones: while the overall idea is very good, not forcing players to arm these RIOT devices ASAP, you sometimes end up with stale-mate situations in games, where one last zone before the final stage begins is being camped by some shit-tier silver team, which does not understand how the mode works correctly. One match, my team and I decided to not be the team to leave the to-be final zone and fix the game state and we had a 10 - 15 minute stand-off until we decided - like in every previous match - to arm the last zone before the final stage. There has to be a method either force or incentivize players to arm RIOT devices ASAP or they should simply arm themselves after a while (obviously not giving any team the cash prize for arming it), to drive the game forwards. Overall I have to say it is a very good mode, that still needs some fine-tuning. I would like to say at this point, that I'd very much prefer it to focus on the engine update and wait for some finishing touches on the RIOT mode rather than first fixing RIOT and then focusing on the engine update. While RIOT is fun, what makes APB "APB" are the regular missions in the mission district. That is what APB is at the core of its DNA and it should always remain the center point of gameplay. So please: focus on everything that would improve that experience. And this should start with the engine update, that has been promised to us for years. Thanks for reading!
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