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Posts posted by Disagreeable

  1. 2 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Didn't you hear about the physical ban hammer?


    They have a ban button in his office where he takes a physical ban hammer and hits it to ban the player. As the CEO, only he is allowed to wield it and any of the staff will get fired if they do so. It is in their contracts.

    I believe Matt also has a big sign outside of his office saying they will get fired if they touch the hammer.

  2. 35 minutes ago, darok70 said:

    Now im wondering, are there legendary guns in other games like csgo,overwatch, etc?


    Do those games have auction/marketplace like apb?

    CSGO does somewhat have legendary weapons but they are only melee and Overwatch does not have legendary weapons at all.

    CSGO Has rare weapons skins like "Dragon Lore", Asiimov, ETC. The only legendary weapons CSGO Has rare the knives like a Karambit, Shadow daggers, ETC.

    Overwatch has a golden skin which is applicable to any gun, but you need to buy the skin first with competitive points. You can buy it for multiple weapons, but you have to purchase it for the gun's you want it to be on. Let's say i wanted a golden Roadhog shotgun, I would go into Roadhog's weapon customization menu and buy it for his gun with my 10k comp points. (I think it's 10k)

  3. On 2/6/2019 at 4:31 PM, demonoid said:

    The APB community is fine by internet standards. Try playing Rust for example, in my experience it's a lot more toxic and has 80% less hackusations than APB. I still love both games, but the Rust community is certainly more toxic. APB is like a breath of fresh air in comparison.


    Now if only APB had a population the size of Rust..


    Can agree, rust is very toxic. I tried playing it once with a few friend, we all spawned and ran around for a few minutes and got shot and than called some very explicit words. Was not fun at all.

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