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Everything posted by PrussianDarkness

  1. hello, I come to give a complaint to an error that surely the same developers of APB did it on purpose. you can not translate legendary weapons in the game as before, surely for the update riot made similar thing to give a bug that having the window of tradeo, you put your legendary weapon example: I want to trade I want to trade a friend give him a gift my true ogre for giving me a video game in steam. but in that same window where he says accept this blocked, he does not let me accept the tradeo and sometimes he takes me out. I have heard that supposedly the legendary ones are not tradeable or legitimate but I think it is a tremendous abuse. I want them to fix the bug or else, I will not pay more in their game and I will make all the players like me stop paying in APB because they already stole money because I was trying to get some legendary and spend more than 100 dollars and they only came out pure weapons that expire. you can no longer exchange legendary weapons in the game as before, surely for the update riot made a similar thing to give a bug that having the window of tradeo, you put your legendary weapon example: I want to trade I want to trade a friend give him a gift my true ogre for giving me a video game in steam. but in that same window where he says accept this blocked, he does not let me accept the tradeo and sometimes he takes me out. I have heard that supposedly the legendary ones are not tradeable or legitimate but I think it is a tremendous abuse. I want them to fix the bug or else, I will not pay more in their game and I will make all the players like me stop paying in APB because they already stole money because I was trying to get some legendary and spend more than 100 dollars and they only came out pure weapons that expire.
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