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Posts posted by sundere

  1. 2 minutes ago, Yood said:

    I play on the main server from beta . then we chose the server just like the names of the server . and I'm really looking forward to when I can leave this server . I can play in the silver district even with my 260 MS . but I will constantly decline to bronze playing against 10 MS .

    this is your excuse to play gold in the silver area against silver, bronze , Tlv .

    oh you want me there waiting for no one, if you are an old player, you know better that the block was implemented before (golds playing in gold, silvers in silver, etc), right?, and was a totally failure, decrease more the pop of the game, and when you are in silver district being gold the matchmaking system make you fight against golds, boy please...

  2. 1 hour ago, Yood said:

    gold playing in a silver district against silver , bronze and T lv players . , gold playing in a bronze district against silver , bronze and Tons of LP players .


    gold districts are empty .


    are you serious? reall PRO players !

    you are like them, you want golds out from bronze district so you can keep doing what you supposed to hate.

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  3. what about  making youtube channels, fan art, refer to friends, etc etc, than create a discord, we are helping just being here and playing every day, so try to make staff that make the game take some relevance again, make it notorious 

  4. On 10/19/2018 at 10:12 PM, Salvick said:


    I'd like to bring a question, I always wonder why South America is barely considered at all by any gaming company. Is not like there are so few players from this region as you could easily find yourself if you could gather these stats.


    I do understand instead that it is related with the costs to keep a server up it implies, while I'd let in your hands the idea to evaluate the cost/benefits rate of such investment since a bunch of us have been loyal to this game for years spending investing above the average in our purchases, and a lot of South American players left the game or ended up playing less often when the DDoS mitigation and server relocation started in the G1 era.


    And for those who always think of "Brazil" when someone says something about South America well, just take a look at the map to figure out we are way more than just Brazilians. Regards everyone.

    Im from chile lol

  5. Just now, Seedy said:

    when I came back to play (i was banned from posting in the forum so I never played since around 2014) I was silver.. dont know why because when I got banned from the forums I was gold.. Since i have been playing again since LO took over I cant shoot shit so my rank has fallen pretty quickly. tbh Im not concerned about my rank.. Im more pissed off that golds are playing in bronze servers just to farm bronzes. It will turn people away from the game.

    totally agree, and apb need play constantly, you can see how not play in a long time make your skill go down or at least that happens to me

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