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Everything posted by iReilok

  1. Well i think there is a more simple way. If the player limit in each district was much higher, like 80-100, and threat is not a restriction (you can join any district at any threat level) and then the Matchmaking do the rest by just Matching the players depending on their K/d/ threats etc. This will really reduce the time needed to join district and find a mission, but well, only problem is the amount of cars / player on the same map then.
  2. Well i think it's complicated to do that because if this is Added, that will mean that some people from other district will have to be teleported to the other district with the mission running. This will mean that if the district is full, it's gonna add even more players to it, if i'm not wrong ?
  3. You mean that we will be able to just press "Ready" when you are not even in a district to join a mission ? Whatever they change, if it reduce the time to join district and find a game, then i'm all for it.
  4. Lol this would be annoying too but well looks like no one want to join the empty district because they just want to play and not to wait… If everyone think like that it give that situation where everyone is just spaming join district button to try to join a full district.
  5. A queue system would be great, no ?! I also think that if the treat system dont make any restriction on wich district you are able to join or not, it could be much simpler (Evey gold/bronze/silver in same district). Then the matchmaking will do the rest of the job. Because actually treats dont mean anything, and gold server is empty because no one want to join those empty district when you can just join an silver and have fun with all players already here ready to play with.
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