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Posts posted by collectmoments

  1. On 9/5/2019 at 4:46 AM, moxxichixx said:


    I do not like your games anymore and it is always been full of bug and you guys are late on everything. Just give up the damn game... you already sold it to a chineese compagny and you don't even care about hiding it. Give up the soap please it would be much better for players who dedicated and wasted time playing this rubbish game thank you. Just asking politely 😄


    *edit: by give up the soap, I meant turn off the servers. thanks 🤓

    wow nice 2 braincells

  2. On 8/10/2019 at 7:04 PM, MartisLTU said:

    Still ppl. using most meta weapons non stop. ( cant get good weapon balance so ppl. would start to use other weapons than just pmg, jg, nfas, ntec and nhvr ).

    Still getting mini freezes.

    Still cant get better respawn system.

    Still seen glitched mission items.

    Still seen few full blatant cheaters .

    Still cant get better hitbox.

    Still engine update is SOON tm.

    Still dead.




  3. On 7/20/2019 at 12:45 PM, Seedy said:

    Just been on Twitch. Seen some streamers with crazy seriously bad graphics settings. One guys character and all AI and other players looked like they all had the same colour clothes on and his explosions were really low quality. It looks like most people streaming right now on Twitch are using this or similar settings.  Plus no sign graphics were there and the buildings had 1 level of detail which was the lowest quality i have ever seen! 


    Isnt this some kind of file mods and can be considered to be file hacking?

    Im using fully up'ed graphics and reshade+sweetFX

  4. On 6/10/2019 at 4:33 AM, I-Reaper-I said:

    I see this a lot that lower skill-based players who can't really play the game well are constantly being abused harassed or shit-talked about by higher-skilled players.

    Players who just want to enjoy the game or learn the ropes do not get advice from higher skilled players or get any consoling or empathy but instead are constantly being bullied, harrased and insulted of how bad they are.

    The community of this game is by far the most toxic (surprisingly more toxic than the CS:GO community) one I have seen so far and it will make a lot of players quit due to sheer harassment and bullying.

    If LO wants this game to start growing and people to enjoy this game, this issue NEEDS to be addressed and harassers need to be penalized with temporary bans, even so if they don't change their attitude and tone towards other players then a perma-ban should be due for them.

    lol how do you tie your shoes in the morning

  5. 13 hours ago, moneychixx said:

    The game gets me in a 1v1 still and im getting this stupid guy who keeps hiding on roofs because he knows I have to attack and I have disadvantage but he never show his face until i hit the point, so i end up by killing him after wasting so much time now I have to go around the map dropping a medium item so i try to spawn my car and i get stuck opening a mailbox because you genius thought it was a nice idea to put that near a car spawner. So im dying and the item get camped by the guy who abuse the car spawner and keep fucking spawning his car everytime i blow it up or make an attempt at getting the item back... everytime he fucking spawn a new car and rush me with OCA because I have no choice of picking the item on a 1v1 (CANT CALL F*CKING BACKUP)... so hes there just rushing in a car everytime i touch the item/spawn my car... and i cant do anything because everytime he crouch behind his car and hes 90% covered. And nothing will fucking hit this fucker even grenades dont have time to explode because he shoot me when cooking... Fix your GAME LITTLE ORBIT IM TIRED OF ALL THIS FUCKING BROKEN MECHANICS WHO MAKE EASY SITUATIONS GO SO FREAKING WRONG. MAKE 1v1 MISSION IMPOSSIBLE and make a cooldown on car spawners because this is just fucking abuse... The man couldnt fight me unless he have a fucking roof or a damn muscle car... I even manage to kill him but got myself blown up in the process and i spawned really far while i saw him spawning on the item with a gray name repeating the same bullsh*t strat... ABUSEEEE

    LOL l2p

  6. On 10/28/2018 at 7:07 PM, MartisLTU said:

    Playing games without any configs, tools or help is outdated .. huh ...hmm.

    i didint equated it to cheating, i just cant understand how healthy person who have decent gaming gear cant press buttons. If he does have health problems or bad gaming gear when yes i understand.


    Im so tired of tap or burst fire ... can i use macro / triger bot ? plz....

    Svaigsti cia atejes. I can, I JUST DONT FIND COMFORTABLE HAVING TO SPAM CTRL with my pinky to crouch quickly. Duchas.

  7. 16 hours ago, Kewlin said:


    Okay, so to explain then.


    Even bad hitreg aside, and the LCR does feel like it has bad hitreg somehow, (similar to the ACT-44,) the gun in MM while standing has 93.6cm diameter spread, (with HS3 of course,) compared to the 68x91cm hitbox; it's not exactly precise at long ranges. In theory the longest range you could get a guaranteed shot with the LCR without crouching (with HS3) is 54m, which is much closer than It's only really something you'd notice after a bit of playing it in missions, but the gun's not really what I would call "reliable," and other people I know who own the gun agree with me.


    In comparison, with HS3, while standing, the CR762 has only 64cm of spread at 100m, 4cm thinner than a character's normal hitbox. As long as your target isn't behind cover and is standing (I know, big "if"s but you get what I'm saying) you can theoretically get guaranteed shots out to 100m with the CR762.


    And that's not even getting into the N-ISSR-B, which is honestly probably a better gun than the CR762. In other words, honestly, even if the LCR had a 0.9s TTK, it probably wouldn't really be the best choice at range  (though you could argue that getting guaranteed 0.9s TTK within 54m would be OP, but at the 1.08s it got buffed to nobody really can complain.)



    Anyhoo, I really suggest refraining from making balance suggestions trying to sound like you're informed on guns that you neither own nor have tried hard to use, as it can lead to confusion and various other deleterious effects. I, for example, refrain from commenting on the Norseman and CASE SWARM, as they're out of my realm of knowledge.


  8. 54 minutes ago, Jazeker said:

    Have it already.


    Bit more about the purple weapons: shotgun was considered the best and it's crap in the current meta lol. They still should be in the shop yeah. Any of them are shitty in the meta none the less.


    The extra purple sidearm secondary isn't in the shop afaik, but it's even more shitty in the current meta guess, that's why nobody ever bothered lols.


    They are purple though. Could be a reason for collectors i guess.


    Key to the city pack horror history is something totally different and involved stolen keys.

    Yah too many accounts were banned..

  9. 11 hours ago, damn2112 said:

    Hell no only LO should be able to see them. Shit like this promotes toxicity. This community already has enough toxic people.

    I only really meant them going as far as announcing if there have BEEN detections, not disclosing what has been detected. We are just sitting in a dark room really.

    9 hours ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    I've already said that I will not post ban statistics or embrace the toxicity surrounding the practice of glorifying bans.
    We usually communicate at least a couple times of month with their developers to see if there are upgrades.

    We also have some very helpful community members turning in cheats they have found or paid for.


    BattlEye has quietly flagged plenty of accounts for cheating. My team reviews each case, and has banned 100% of them.

    I find it interesting that no one is stepping forward from that group to admit they got caught.



    Thats all i really wanted to know! Thanks Matt.

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