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Posts posted by Insane2u

  1. 16 hours ago, lvrq said:

    Things members of the community have told me since I made the post

    -The editor isn't as good as it could be

    (Waiting for elaboration)

    eh i think the editor is nice just wish you didnt have to have premium to expand on things maybe make it so premium has more designs?

    -Moveable minimap and customizable HUD

    (Being able to enable and disable certain aspects of the HUD would be nice, It would remove clutter at higher resolutions and it would also help streamers to hide their group so to avoid stream snipers.)

    i agree to a point most streamers can cover up things on there stream though so you cant really stream snipe them.  you can also add a delay in video so its hard for them to get to you.

    -Colorable crosshair

    (the dynamic vanilla recolorable)

    i agree crosshairs in general make it a little more fun and interesting and might actually help some new players shoot better

    -Remove the tax off the market

    (Its pointless)

    I dissagree almost all games i have played with a market there is always a tax but its usually a set ammount and you can figure out the price.  Just make it an easy 5% or if its under a certain price free.

    -Lower the price of in game guns

    (Its a drain on the little money we get from missions, I know some players who don't get to play often so their guns keep running out and they cant afford to buy another.)

    for cops this is a big deal because the only way they earn money is by mission while crims can rob places and turn stuff in and make a good chunk of change.  yes they have ltl but when you get teammates that kill your stunned guys it really sucks.






  2. Bumping this to try to keep it up top 🙂  again this is not the old bnb we are rebuilding from ground up (we have some older members back in) but are looking for new players.


    Recruitment requrements - speak english

                                            - join discord


  3. Thats fine we hold no grudges.. like i said this clan is mainly a friends group since original people have left.  we are here just to have fun and play the game anymore this is not the same as the old BnB...

    I will say if you have issues with members to please message me especially if they are griefing or anything.

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  4. This clan was established over 8 years ago and i am the 3rd leader.  We are currently just a group of friends that get on to play and have fun.  If we build and get more active members we will be hosting clan events which will be posted in the discord with dates and times.  We ask that if you join you speak/type English and keep the district rage down (a little is expected but over the top and we will ask you to calm down).  Currently really looking for theme makers and song makers, we have a couple of decent designers for symbols which are in the works.

    Mail Insane2u for an invite or send a friends request (prefer mail first since i dont accept friends i dont know)

    You can also mail Waterlemons or Bdysncher for an invite to the clan as well

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