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Posts posted by SeedyGonzalzez

  1. 22 hours ago, cowhorseman said:

    The main issue i'm running itno is sweaty kids trying to hard to win. i don't see the point of trying to win here after rank 150 or so you got basically everything you need ingame anything else you can buy from the market and besides like you said playing for fun, trying to do that hear gets you angry pms and kids telling you to kys becuase they have no idea what fun is

    lol true man. I get angry PM's allot because im pretty shit at the game now.

  2. On 2/10/2023 at 6:16 PM, PotatoeGirl said:

    3 districts x 100 people right now

    was playing last night for a few hours. Districts were packed! Was great playing with 100 people. Chaos. Although I did get trolled by a couple of pricks. Two guys on my team just repeatedly killed me for no reason. Was stupid but they left the game after that so Fuck them!




    On 2/12/2023 at 4:34 AM, cowhorseman said:

    well 1.30 does run better, but the novelty will wear off quickly. tried 10 matchs lost ten even at 120 stable i just do not have the care or time to sweat in this game and keep up with the try hards

    im not winning much either lol. Been here since RTW days and my skill level has decreased allot since then but still fun to play.

  3. On 2/6/2023 at 9:31 AM, rewnd1 said:

    Hello! I certainly understand the 64 bit engine update. But dear developers, when I ban cheaters, I play with RTW. I have a lot of experience in the game, but it's not possible to play against cheaters, give the guys, or select guys like moderators, so that cheaters are monitored in the game. They sent a statement to them and they were thrown into a ban, I can even monitor the players, I know everything about the game. Make a set of game moderators, it will be easier for you and the players will be happy for you, there will also be more aldetoria in the APB. I myself in the game began to take off 24/7. So, if you want, I can help you with this implementation of this problem.

    2 posts joined yesterday.. TRUST this guy

  4. 9 hours ago, Username24nuke said:

    Matt Scott said the enhanced graphics engine upgrade from consoles will release in 2019-2020 following 64bit, I nearly died in a car crash, and corona virus nearly killed me. I guess all this time went by for something that deeply disappoints me. 


    APB 1.30 seems to be the same but with more graphical and gameplay bugs. Is this all of it? 5 years you could've made APB spinoff on Unreal Engine 4. 


    Next, APB will shutdown? and how about the money players spent on the game? will they sue?



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