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Everything posted by poAlan

  1. Ritual. It took me a long time to try to solve this problem, but due to personal problems I delayed. I thank you so much for the help. Thank you, seriously!
  2. Just to summarize. I want to migrate my account that is invalid email by the platform, hotmail (current outlook).
  3. I already sent you an email last year and this year was no different. I can not migrate my account because the email in which I registered my account was invalid by the new outlook and old hotmail. I strongly urge you to reply, I would like you to change my email so that you can send me the migration link. As I said I had already sent an email of the genre to you, but your response was teaching you how to migrate, but my problem is not NOT to know how to migrate is that the email is invalid. It was spent good amount of money on it and I would like you to get it back in hand. As proof I have channel on youtube with the account, my documents were with the hoplon and my responsible signature, because at the time I was underage. I have friends and clan who know that I am and that the account is really mine. GamersFirst, please help me recover my account. Thanks in advance and I await an answer This message has been translated by Google. So I do not know if it's going to come out with the same characteristics that I wrote it in Portuguese ... (I ask that if some word sounds rude I ask, immense excuses)
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