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  1. what im trying to say is if they gonna keep it then lower it but it would be better to take it out bc this money is just going no where so there no reason for a tax fee i personality dont want it that's me there's people that they want it but lowered which isn't a bad thing but still that money is just going up the the sky and the time people take to make money is now where . Better ?
  2. I mean I see both side but come on where’s the money going if it was going around in like a circle then yea why not it makes it better but I mean idk I just think it’s a big tax fee tbh but yes I see where ur coming from
  3. My question is will the taxes in the game Which is crazy bc I sold a gun for 1.8m and I got 1.2m will this promblem be changed or how will this happen bc like if I sell a Yukon for 6m and I get 5.6 then why sell it ?? It’s a crazy tax fee
  4. Hey I’m just wondering how far in to the menu for trading are u guys. How safe do u think it would be ? Will be be able to trade everything that’s tradable?
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