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Posts posted by TonyKebell

  1. On 8/6/2018 at 7:05 PM, Fortune Runner said:

    I guess people have forgotten this :
    Criminals DID have LTL and it caused some unbalances so the crim stun weapons were removed for it.

    One unbalance was crims have ram raiding to make money while enforcers have LTL. When crims also had LTL enforcers had a significant loss of income and could not make money on their faction and resulted in a wide gross count of more criminals than enforcers joining due to money alone.
    We can not have a full district on both sides if we go back to that again. No thank you.

    Sorry, but I've never really followed the mechanics of this game, i just play it. How does LTL balance ram raiding for cash?

  2. 7 hours ago, Hexerin said:
    Try to put aside your frustration for losing, and look at the design objectively for a minute. Both of these locations are double-edged swords, but yours was actually the better one.

    Sure, they can just drive the item up and drop it without fuss on their base, but then your team can just drive up and grab it off the point before they have a chance to really do anything about it. If you happened to kill their anti-vehicle user (assuming they even had one), you could very easily just grab it and take off.

    Meanwhile your base... woo buddy, sounds like it was a pain in the arse to carry the item there (I'm going to assume you're exaggerating the location a bit though). However, once you've got the item dropped at your base, the enemy then has to navigate it back out while your team is respawning from the street and heading back in to stop them. Your location is the your drop / their drop dream, it's pretty much an automatic victory the moment you successfully make the drop.

    All this being said though, I fully agree that every mission in the game needs to be looked at. Some can get by with some slight tweaks, most need complete reworks... and there's a couple that need to just be removed entirely because they're broken on the fundamental level.

    But in all likelyhood how this plays out, as it has for me plenty of time is:

    Enemy delivers, gets 10 points.
    We try to deliver, get stopped walking the item.
    The Enemy camp the item.
    6 minutes later we lose 10 points to 0

    Because yes, our base is easy to camp. But the enemy are the ones who got to camp it.

  3. The new gun, for a character lifetime, which should be the default IMHO. Is $26.50
    I can buy a raft of indie game off of Steam for that princely sum.

    LIKE APB and want to support it but these prices are unreasonable and the fact that anyone has ever bought anything from ARMAS is a joke.

    (Also i though $1 = 100 G1C now? It still shows 1 = 83)

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