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  1. I doubt it strains the server too much to send lines of player data to a player, the only thing that it would strain is us when loading the UI for all of the items and the network, but again I shouldnt as that should be too big even with alot of items, and Im sure they compress things too.
  2. Yeah, nvm I thought you could buy more slots from the Armas Market, guess not. I kinda put a question mark there intending to kinda put a maybeish, ya know? I just don't see a reason for a limit other than possibly space on storage. But I mean, a limit would be fine yeah, but increasing it to a higher number would be great. I just feel like not having a limit would be even better. Storage should not be an issue even if, a good 1 TB drive is around 44 US dollards currently. And even higher storage amounts are that much, I would feel like a game this big would already have good storage either way. Would also be kinda nice to hear your justification for a limit too.
  3. I find it kinda odd to put a limit on what players can own. To have them have to buy more space from Armas Market is just kinda p2w'ish? I feel like players should be able to own anything that they can buy/own, you know? Like have things for every situation or just have every clothing item to mess with, have different cars for different moods, things like that. It would be cool to see the cap removed and players free to have whatever they can get their hands on. Sorry my mind isn't really coming up with the best wording/examples, it should be legible though :D
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