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Posts posted by Ashley

  1. I'm curious to know why you wouldn't implement the new support policy regarding in-game trading when the new trading system actually goes live, rather than today?

    Can we also have an idea of what kind of shotgun changes you will be implementing, or whether you're reverting the balance patch entirely? Not super clear to me which way it's going with the A/B testing on OTW but the patch already being Live.

  2. 21% is far too strong of a downside for ROF and in no way is it a backhanded upside, as people are plenty capable of tap-firing at a lower rate than max ROF and do so all the time on many weapons. It's a straight negative and +7m in increased range is definitely not enough to counterbalance that negative. As it exists now, IR3 is used often mainly because it has a marginal upside with very little to no downside on most weapons. In other words, people use it because of the (lack of) downside rather than because of the upside.

    It's not an overpowered modification, it's just as close as you can get to a weapon mod with no downside on many guns so it gets used as a default.

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  3. 2 hours ago, LO_Beastie said:

    Hi, I'll be writing up a larger post on this in another balance thread,, but I should mention my reasoning behind this...

    Interesting changes, if a bit drastic! I think that a simple 8% decrease in ROF (opposite of CJ3) would be enough of a downside rather than something as heavy-handed as 21%. IR3 is strong but it's definitely not a dominant mod, not even on the N-TEC where Cooling Jacket is a viable alternative. The upside of 7m increased range definitely isn't enough to overcome such an increase in TTK so it may go the way of Heavy Barrel (unused) in the current state.

    I'm wondering if the ROF decrease also affects the burst interval on the OSCAR/OBIR? If it only affects the base ROF it may have little to no downside and keep IR3 as the only viable red modification on those burst weapons.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Karyon said:
    I don't think CJ and IR have the same downside, CJ has increased per shot bloom and IR has increased maximum possible bloom.
    Cooling Jacket has the same downside as Improved Rifling in max bloom, but the side effect of having an increased firerate is that there's less time for bloom to recover, leading to effectively "more" bloom per shot. For example, on the N-TEC it blooms 0.65 with each shot and normally recovers 0.35 by the next shot, but with CJ3 it only has time to recover 0.3, leading to the next shot being 0.05 more inaccurate than standard despite no direct change to bloom per shot.

  5. Both Improved Rifling and Cooling Jacket affect the maximum accuracy loss (bloom) and not per-shot bloom. The downside is more noticeable on weapons where the maximum bloom is closer to the minimum bloom like the ATAC, which reaches maximum bloom within 2 shots, than it is with the N-TEC that takes 6 shots to hit max bloom; however, it is still a downside and it's definitely present and not broken.

    • Like 1

  6. This issue happens sometimes when you change resolutions and toggle between windowed and fullscreen modes.

    The fix (rather than resetting the entire config folder) is to manually edit the "APBMachineOptions.ini" file under ."..\APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config" and change the following lines to your desired resolution:

    • Like 1

  7. 11 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    fair point

    if they ever make cars pierceable i fear the new meta will instantly become driving up to opp in a pioneer and getting out on the other side of the car for a kill without ever needing to expose yourself lol

    maybe cars should stay solid
    The biggest issue with piercing cars from a design standpoint is that it breaks the game logic. You can't damage people while they're inside vehicles due to the way the game works (you essentially become the vehicle), but the player model is still visible. If you could pierce cars this would lead to a situation where if people are lined up correctly, you can shoot directly through a passenger inside a vehicle doing no damage to them, but hit and damage someone on the other side.

    It doesn't make any sense and that along with the balance concerns you raised is why vehicle piercing didn't and won't happen.

  8. On 6/25/2018 at 2:28 PM, Lixil said:

    As soon as QA gives me more information I will be more than happy to share.

    Hi Lixil, I'm wondering if you have a tentative timeline on this, or a definitive word on whether it'll be something coming in the future for sure? With the coming sale, I'm considering what to spend G1C on and I'd rather get some new things I'm interested in rather than duplicating gear and weapons that exist on another account that could potentially be merged in.

  9. There's a lot of people that like APB's combat, customization, and moment-to-moment gameplay, but don't like the higher pressure of small 2v2-4v4 missions nor the large amount of downtime in mission districts.



    APB needs to have a "pick up and play" game mode to retain that portion of the playerbase. I don't know if Battle Royale will necessarily fill that niche, but it very well might. Removing an entire game mode like FC definitely needs to have a lot of thought and communication with the playerbase put in. Open Conflict is a different story, since it's currently just a private scrim district in practice and otherwise is pretty much always empty.

    • Like 2

  10. Most dummy mods are there just to communicate changes relative to a "base" weapon. The actual modification is typically "built in" to the weapon stats directly rather than as an actual modification.



    With the ACES series, the dummy mod description only serves to communicate the role of each weapon (close range or longer range) while the main purpose is to take up the red modification slot to prevent the use of Heavy Barrel.

    • Like 1

  11. Here's a quote direct from BattlEye Support that's relevant to the use of third-party crosshair overlays:


    Generally we only ever ban for the use of actual cheats/hacks or components of such hacks which are designed to intentionally bypass BE’s protection. Otherwise you don’t need to worry about getting banned. For example, non-cheat overlays and visual enhancement tools like Reshade or SweetFX are generally supported unless desired otherwise by the game developers (the latter two are currently blocked in PUBG, Fortnite and Islands of Nyne). We might decide to kick (not ban) you at some point for using a specific program (such as macro tools), but that won’t automatically flag you as a cheater.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Androvald said:

    Well, the FOV scale is only used in marksmanship mode, at that point it's (Weapon FOV / 50) * Marksmanship Sensitivity. If you set it to 0.625 you will have the exact same sensitivity as walking and running (sprinting is slightly different), however scaled to the amount of zoom that the weapon offers.


    We could add an option not to have the zoom affect the sensitivity, however I haven't seen this kind of option in any game, and will generally lead to a bad game-play experience. If you are using an HVR 762, for example, it would create behavior equivalent to setting the marksmanship sensitivity to 2.0536, which makes it very difficult to hit anyone. (We limit the value of marksmanship sensitivity to values between 0.1 and 1 at the moment).

    Thanks again for the further information, Androvald! I was wondering what is "slightly different" about sprinting? Is it the fact that the camera position changes slightly, or are there any other modifiers attached?

    • Like 1

  13. While we're on the topic of ARMAS, I'd also like to see all weapons have the 3-, and 30-day options as well as trials available. There are some weapons that are only available as permanent character- or account-wide options, with no trials available. It's a lot to ask for someone to spend that amount of money on a weapon without even having the chance to try it out first. One example for it is the SBSR 'Coroner' linked below:



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  14. 2 minutes ago, Lixil said:

    Unfortunately, I don't speak this language. I could put it in google translate but I'm not sure if it's going to translate properly. If someone from players want to/has time to translate it, that would be great!

    I believe that it's identical to the original post above here, perhaps the post you quoted is the translation (from English)?


  15. 12 hours ago, Androvald said:

    I've gone through the mouse fix and checked everything it does against the code. Here's the results...

    Thanks for taking the time to go through it, Androvald! I think a lot of us would appreciate any additional in-game menu options you can add to reduce/remove the need to manually edit configuration files to tweak little things like that.

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