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Posts posted by EightPower

  1. Soon tm




    Gosh its been soo long. I hope by the time i get married and have kids they will release the engine lol.


    From 2013 to 2021. I am still hopeful they will do it one day and i will return to the game. 



  2. First of all happy 4th of july to everyone in APB Community. How was Your 4th of july?  🎉 🎉


    Me as a daily player of this game and a long time veteran, even though i am working my best to divert from online games & build towards what i dream of -- a digital download site. I always get attracted back to APB, it's such a fun game. I have no other game then apb installed on pc right now, no lies. No other game can beat APB. Not even GTA Online. 😓


    Anyway, the purpose of this off topic post i created today was to show off a font i created for 4th of july . It's called USA Americano Color Font, i am really happy to give it for free. I am not sure if i am allowed to post links here lol , never did - let's try - https://www.ceirt.com/store/free/americano-color-font/  


    Also, this is my facebook page if you want to get upto date of what i make. I am planning on making a 3d jeep model, revolver and such https://www.facebook.com/ceirtstudios/





    EightPower *The 255 Cream Of Citadel*

    • Thanks 1

  3. 2 minutes ago, Lixil said:

    It's not a live client. It's used only for testing. OTW = open testing world. ALL players can download this client and help us test!


    Is the O.T.W - for unreal engine 4.0? or 3.5? or just for testing like bugs and stuff?



    I downloaded it, will check.

  4. It's like a different installer compared to the APB installer that we can download and play on or what is it ? 


    P.S : I like the install process , pretty cool!






  5. 3 hours ago, sneekface said:

    I really wonder who is behind the constant ddos and what the point of that is...

    Probably another gaming company, or rock star trying to attack APB before it grows into a full popular game like fortnite. It's something in business that happens often, one business tries to get other business down with their cheap tactics.. give them 1 star ratings etc.


    Thanks MattScott, we hope you bring BattlEYE Soon ^.^

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