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Everything posted by HOAX_X

  1. dude its my way or the highway what could u possibly have to say about it
  2. we dont like you either so what are u peasants gonna do do about gettin my account terminated
  3. im im not upset about anything just do you job nefoer i make u do it
  4. not kidding at all, you people are as dumb as rocks
  5. Who do we have to come in contact with to get an account removed?
  6. flaws isnt the best example here since afaik he admitted to cheating, but theres a lot of people who dont seem to be inclined to "forgive" anyone unbanned by orbit despite the repeated info that ff bans were pretty hit or miss Just because matt scott unbanned all 10 of their reroll accounts and now they have a bunch of high rank accounts to bypass battleeye with doesnt mean he isnt a cheater.
  7. Basically this is what happened? Even the staff at this point understands that battle eye isnt working and isnt going to work in the future. So, she tried to get a bunch of cheaters to carry her on stream. o?
  8. Same issue for me as well since that update was released. I also noticed it just randomly puts me on afk status right in the middle of missions. Are we going to get compensated for this?
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