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Posts posted by Neonis

  1. WELCOME! I hope you brought plenty of honey to share with us. It's delicious.

    Should go without saying but be sure to keep a weapon on you at all times.
    The streets of San Paro are not very nice, and the forums tend to follow the same path.

    What am I saying, I'm sure you will do just fine. 😁 You have insurance, right?

  2. 16 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said:

    Sadly I cannot do that as some low life discord mod decided to ban me for expressing my opinion.

    I just want to clear up that you were not banned for expressing your opinion. The server is all about expressing your opinion.
    You were banned, the first time (by another mod), for harassment (against multiple patrons), using racial slurs, and threatening to repeatedly harass the server if moderation is used against you.
    You were banned, the second time (by me), for ban evading after you held true to your promise to return to the server after you were banned the first time.

    Moving on,
    Most of your points just make it seem like you haven't really played the game, or are just purposely trying to spread misinformation.

    • In comparison to every other weapon in the game (not talking about balancing issues), I don't see any problems with the ones released by LO.
    • Sure, LO has had some mistakes with some things (as seen by a majority of the players) but none of it is something I would call as being "worse than the G1 days."
    • The downtime this month is laughably ignorable in comparison to the previous G1 days.
    • On the issue of bugs, bad implementations, etc. all I have seen of LO is that they try to push fixes or completely pullback things ASAP when/if it is needed. Something that was almost never done by G1 in the past.

    I'd say (obviously this is my own opinion) that the only time G1 could be looked at and seen as being fairly decent would be the first couple of years (2011-2013, maybe 2014). Eventually, everything just went to hell and the only thing I would count as decent are the JMBs released (even some of those had problems for a long time before getting fixed).

    • Like 2

  3. On 8/1/2019 at 6:36 AM, Zolerox said:




    It's gonna be a bumpy ride


    (from the newsletter)



    On 8/1/2019 at 8:45 AM, SkittyM said:

    Ah, so we really are going ahead with the blue eggy boi.  Right on.



    I am a fan of the EMP grenade idea, but I am not completely sold on the look.
    Maybe that is all they could do right now, but I would hope for something a little more hi-tech looking in the future. (Unless they are going for a built in my garage look, or a prototype look.)

    I was bored enough here at work so I made this in MS paint. lol


    I tried to make something following the rough shape of the grenade, so it would fit into the player models hand the same way all the other grenades do.

    It's far from perfect, but I like the look more than the copper wire wrapped look from the newsletter.

    Either way, can't wait for the grenade to be in the game. It sounds fun.

    • Like 2

  4. I don't see whats so hard about winning the skin, and then just stick to 2nd Place for your oh-so precious JT.


    Maybe the best thing would have been to have kept the 1st Place prize as only the skin and make JT the reward for everything else to prevent this, but I'm sure they didn't think about the usual APB "want the best prize? git gud" way of thinking for this event in particular.


    If you can't give up 1st place after winning once, it just sounds like greed with no thought for being considerate to others in an event where the important prize (the skin) is from being 1st place.

    They made their rules (stated in the districts to allow others to win 1st place and have a chance at the skin) and then they eventually chose to actually enforce it.

    If you have the skin, and either win again or still keep making it to top without stopping right before you win, then my opinion is that you fit into the category of people able to be removed to give others a chance.

    Now, if you don't have the skin, or didn't win again, and you were kicked then there is a problem, but according to the conversation on Discord this is not the case and you did win the event.

  5. 1 hour ago, SelttikS said:
    Luckily one of those people was the CEO.

    The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
    Does this paved path stop once it gets to hell or does it continue on through and out the other side?
    Could be like when you have to go through a period of torment and pain before you can return to a more peaceful time?

  6. 20 minutes ago, BlakeEclipse said:

    3rd party can trigger battleEye and ban players randomly. That's why the maker of advanced launcher gave his code out to them so they could approve it.
    USPStyle gave them the source code because LO did not know if BE would detect the advanced launcher program as harmful. This was just a precaution since most players use the advanced launcher to edit their config and start the game, and they did not want BE to give false-positives for it.

    What the advanced launcher does, though, is just make .ini edits easier with a GUI.
    You do not need the advanced launcher to change the config files, and as far as we have seen, BE does not detect harm with certain changes to user-editable config files. I could be wrong, so correct me with proof if I am.
    There are other config files that you can change for aesthetic purposes that are not included as part of the advanced launcher, and these do not trigger BE (as of right now at least).

    To make it easier to understand, you can do the same thing that the advanced launcher's main purpose is with Notepad, Word, etc. and it is not adding any additional files to the game.

    Crosshair shaders add additional files to the game which are not normally a part of base APB. This is technically considered illegal game modification, since APB was not built with modding in mind.

  7. 41 minutes ago, SelttikS said:
    Yeah you would think that but then you have staff saying otherwise.
    I would assume there is a line between certain types of griefing and what is, or is not, allowed. Until we get an official statement though, I would take it on as per-case basis and probably a decision from individual GMs to give a warning or not.

  8. 1 hour ago, TackoGirl said:

    I wish that she would allow it, I find the feeling when shoting simply beautiful with a point in the middle
    and if it has no advantages anyway, why not.
    ("The crosshair is then like in Fortnite")

    I do believe that Matt's response was that they are looking into ways to add crosshair options built-in to the game. They just don't like people using 3rd-party or edits because it should not be needed and is just bad game design to not have that option for your players.

    I could be wrong, but I have a memory of something like this being said.

  9. I use Advanced Launcher to increase every setting so my game can look the best it possibly can because I'm a man of aesthetics. (Put slider on Ultra, and the customize to increase everything else.)
    Since the days of RTW I have always had a rather beefy computer and played APB at "Max" settings. I'm just like most modern gamers who want the game to look the very best. I've been playing video games for almost 3 decades now (first video game I played was 27 years ago) and I'm not going back to playing them with "Low" settings.

    I still play at ~100 FPS with my setting choices and rarely experience any stuttering with the game (which, when I do, is easily fixed by restarting the game; it is also not a problem with APB alone but a problem with GPU drivers and certain games.)

    There was a time that I used a crosshair shader when I felt I needed learning assistance when I first started running with shotguns a lot back around 2012-2013, and my recorded videos from that time show the crosshair in full view.
    I do not need one now because I've learned how to keep my aim mostly on point through practice and muscle memory (except for my random hand muscle spasms that cause me to fling my mouse a few inches off target, but that's a medical thing).

    • Like 1

  10. People need to understand that different tax laws where the company is located and where you live affects how taxes, etc. are handled on your purchases.

    Some people who have posted don't get taxed when they buy through Steam. Well, I get taxed when I buy through Steam.
    Some people here get taxed when buying through PayPal. I do not get taxed when buying through PayPal.
    PaymentWall charged tax when I used them to make a CC purchase.

    I'm switched to using PayPal exclusively now because I do not get charged tax as long as I go through them. Doesn't matter if I used Debit/CC or bank withdrawal so long as I go through PayPal to do it.
    This will obviously be different for others due to where they live and their local tax laws and how PayPal has to abide by those laws.

  11. Eligibility wouldn't be an issue for me if it didn't decide I wasn't eligible until 10-15 minutes into the survey.

    I managed to get two surveys to work properly and get the G1C awarded, but getting 2 out of 20 to actually work and not waste 2 hours on two different nights is not my idea of a good solution to get that 20 G1C you're short to buy what you need.

    In the end, though, I guess it's a small price to pay to get free G1C instead of spending $5 to get <20 G1C. I've decided it's worth it to spend the $5 instead of having to sit through that crap again. My free time is valuable and $5 is a much cheaper option.

    The worst survey was the one that didn't kick me out right away but kept giving me different surveys back to back for 30 minutes and then decided that I wasn't eligible. 🤬

  12. This might be a request that not a lot of people want, but is there a chance we could get a subscription option added just for Premium? This of course should be added to the current list of Premium options, just to give some of us who want it the option.

    Personally, I just prefer to set up subscriptions so I don't have to keep track of things. One less thing on my already extensive list of things to remember monthly would be a nice thing.

    Or have I been dumb all these years and missed the option? lol

    • Like 1

  13. 28 minutes ago, Dopefish said:

    I never thought Fight Club was really suitable for APB, as there's so many other games that provide a better experience for those type of modes, and it felt like it was just thrown in and never balanced afterwards. However, there's plenty of people who have a hard time playing the original action districts for one reason or another, who frequently play Fight Club instead. Hopefully a new improved mode, that would be more along the style of APB, would be a good replacement.


    Open Conflict districts see no usage at the moment since there's really no purpose to them while everyone is just able to join the silver district instead. But instead of removing them, I'd rather see hard threat lock being reintroduced again, so only golds can join gold district, silvers joining silver districts and so forth, until the moment matchmaking and threat levels can be overhauled properly. Open Conflict would then fill the function of cross-threat grouping.


    And while we're on the topic of cleaning up among districts and such, green threat should be merged with the bronze threat levels. The green districts are empty, and if players don't know about the advanced tab for district selections, they'll be placed in empty districts without ever seeing any other players, and then lose interesting in the game.

    I have a much better description I was working on for my own post in the future, but I think there should be 2 threat levels of districts in place.
    A quick breakdown for current threat system would be essentially a district for Green/Bronze (Bronze if you get rid of Green), and a district for everybody.
    This way you can have a "new player/casual" district and then a "normal" district.

    I really need to finish writing up my post so I can actually post it. My idea would be much better understood with everything else I wrote.

  14. Open Conflict should be taken out. I can agree on that point.

    Fight Club is my bread, and the main reason I still play APB. I've been playing since RTW, I have no max rank character (R217 highest) and Fight Club is my favorite part of the game. Even most of the money I've spent in Armas (Thousands of $) was spent to improve the levels of fun I have in Fight Club.

    I'll wait another period of time (6 months, 1 year, etc.) to see how all of this goes, and I really hope the new mode does a good job replacing the amount of fun that Fight Club brings to me. I don't want to quit APB, I still have so much money to spend in Armas 🤑, but Fight Club (or a game mode similar and of equal, or more, fun) is the only enjoyment I currently have in the game.

    Please let the new mode rock. Thank you.

    Edit: Let me say some more things to explain my position better.
    I'm all for doing missions, but the way everything is right now just feels so boring to me. I did missions up until around 2014/2015 and finally made my switch to exclusively play Fight Club.
    I currently see mission districts as a means to unlocking game content to use in Fight Club.
    Maybe this means that I feel mission districts need a huge makeover before I will feel comfortable going back to them to play missions. The only time I go to a mission district right now is so I can casually drive one of my cars around and relax while playing music.

    Either way, here's hoping a to a bigger and better future for APB.

    • Like 2

    1. LTL being boring or not is subjective to the user. I personally find it to be the most fun when compared to lethal weapons.
    2. Harder to use? Of course it is, that's part of the fun and appeal of LTL.
    3. Why use LTL? Because I worked my butt off to hit Cop 15 earning majority of my arrests in Fight Club. It's also a challenge to use and anything that provides a challenge, is looked down upon and gives me a disadvantage when going up against everybody else is my cup of tea.
    4. LTL adds a challenging way for Enforcers to fight criminals, that has the added bonus of ruffling some feathers along the way. It is most definitely annoying for Criminals, but I find it more shameful to be honest. When I get stunned/arrested when playing my Criminal, even I throw my hands into the air and yell expletives. 
      • LTL also provides Enforcers with a much harder counterpart to Ram-Raiding to get increased rewards. LTL awards money just for stuns, and awards more money for arrests than you get from kills.
    5. I have found that majority of the people who complain about LTL are either Enforcers who cannot use it or Criminals who are usually good players, do not play Enforcers and get salty when they get arrested (even though they'll get arrested maybe twice compared to the 20+ kills they get every mission). Leave LTL alone, or change it, there will always be a group of people who complain about it and I like to think that they will probably be the same people who have always complained about it.
    6. (Let's add more numbers! ...and a short rest for the eyes.)
    7. I've extensively used PIG + Perc and while it seems OP when performed perfectly, that happens less than you might think and it mostly only works against less skilled players (which I tend to avoid unless they are in Fight Club) or when RNG kicks in and the gods part the skies to bless you. You will probably get 1 arrest out of every 5 (at least) attempts when fighting players of equal or greater skill than you.
    8. The NL9 and CCG are fairly "balanced" when it comes to 1v1 against lethal weapons. Once again, most of your stuns will be against less skilled players, players who are not firing back at you, or when the luck of the gods shines own upon you.
    9. Stun nades and OPGL-CD are probably the greatest LTL weapons at your disposal, as long as you have the skill to use both. Also, you need to reach Cop 15 (1,500 total arrests) to unlock the OPGL-CD.
    10. Finally, the TG-8. It is the FBW of LTL and is the only weapon that has a TTS that is equal to the TTK of the FBW. The best way to think about it is a LTL FBW with a very unforgiving bloom.
    11. Even the pre-mod variants of every LTL weapon don't make them all that more easier to use.
    12. One last thing to mention. Good luck getting those arrests! It's one thing to get the stun, but another to get the actual arrest. If there was a counter for stuns, then I would probably have five times the number of arrests I have or more.


    Honestly, I welcome a nerf to the PIG + Perc combo. Not because it is OP (I personally do not think it is) but because I see it as a greater annoyance to players than the entirety of the rest of LTL combined.

    Maybe my input is not the greatest as I only have around 1600 arrests in total (Less than 400 of those are from mission districts and the rest are from Fight Club), but I feel I have made some valid points. At least when it comes to my perspective regarding LTL.


    I feel it is safe to say that, with an exception of a few outliers and when used by extremely skilled players, LTL should always be the underdog when compared to lethal.

    Now, if you will excuse me, I just watched the Resident Evil 2 Remake trailer and I have to go and scream like a giddy schoolgirl.

    P.S. Please provide your own input on my opinions and other points. All criticism is welcome.

    Edit: I tried adjusting the color to help ease reading all this text. Let me know if this experiment helped or made things worse.


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  15. 1 hour ago, BuggedOut said:

    I don't think lowering the numbers is the resolution, but there is a glaring issue when the FC districts are stacked 2:1 in favor of either side. It just becomes a roll tide and begins to alienate people.


    Proposition:  Fight Club should be "Full" to a faction when they have more players than the other faction. Eg. If it's 17 Enforcers to 16 criminals, another Enforcer shouldn't be able to join until its 17 to 17.


    The actual numbers to the proposition are arbitrary, but the point is made.

    This sounds like a great idea to implement with or without a change to FC pop size.

    My opinion to go alongside this would be:
    Asylum = 24 v 24

    Baylan = 16 v 16


    Asylum seems like it could handle a few more people running around. Based on my activity over this past weekend running around in Asylum for 12+ hours there were times that I would run around for a few minutes and never run into an enemy, whether running towards groups of teammates or running around alone.

    Baylan sometimes feels okay, but at other times feels like just a bit too many people.

    Also, anything that would bring 40 v 40 or 50 v 50 war zones is more than welcome in my house.

  16. My suggestion is to add an in-game option alongside the current friends/ignore list that would allow players to turn off all in-game whispers from players that are not on their whitelist/friends. This feature should also extend to allow a similar approach to the in-game VoIP.

    This suggestion comes from incidents where player harassment continues even after you place the harassing player on your ignore list. There have been incidents where players will make multiple characters and accounts just to harass their target (There is currently such incident happening to a friend).

    This is a small change, but will do a lot in stopping rampant verbal harassment to players.

    P.S. To add another requested feature by some players is that when you place a player on your ignore list that it removes any text that you type from their chat window; and removes your VoIP from their side. Essentially, the ignore feature should act like both players are blocking each other.

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