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Posts posted by Deekk

  1. 13 minutes ago, K3i said:

    oh so kinda like heists in GTA, pretty neat but i believe more important things are in the line like finally getting that engine upgrade/performance issues so if LO does consider this it will take a while 

    Yea pretty much mate also, LO making events so why not a bank robbery event too??

  2. 1 minute ago, K3i said:

    wouldn't this go against the lore since enforcers are supposed to prevent stuff like this from happening lol what would it look like if your local cop starts robbing stores out of the blue



    i must agree that current system can be stacked against crims sometimes but i have heard from a few that they managed to make enough for a legendary so

    no mate this will be like crims will enter the bank enforcers will arrive the bank or spawn they will fight - defend whoever gets the most kill basicly wins

  3. 1 hour ago, NecrophileChick said:

    You can't really expect to make big money within the first hours of the game...


    I mean, if you're a little scrub going ham ram raiding all over the place without the protection of stronger players, no wonder some enforcers are gonna notice and take action.


    But I'd agree that ram raiding generally isn't very lucrative.

    It wont be like open world there will be limits where they can go they wont be able to get in bank and do spawn kills. they will go there when the mission starts

  4. Hello all first off all i want to mention to cops (enforcers 255 goldy team up ones)


    busting newbs for who trying to make money.


    This mechanic is broken. they can team up, they can bust a newbie with ease, they can troll newbies, they can camp laundry and they can camp the contact

    cuz there are only few contacts with instant deliver.


    So either make a improved system




    Make weekly bank robbery events (maybe 2 days in 1 week) where crims and enforcers equal and making 10-20k each person (whoever wins)

    I dont think its so hard to do tbh all they need a place, delivery spot, and equal map to both side (also every criminal and enforcers might have like 3 lives maybe? so whoever lost their lives cant play anymore and just watch on above the map maybe i dont know im not dev i dont know what they can do about it)

    With that being mention im sure there are players thinking that normal way of making money is not broken its okay its fine meh... like so

    But imagine yourself as a newb with your star556(nb tho) and with that stupidly slow car. 

    and enforcers against maybe pig - stun nade combo or 2-3 slotted any gun + 4x4 vegas for sure or pioner 

    if you guys think a newbie and veteran equal in this position i dont have anything to say tbh.



    also, im sorry if there are grammar nazis my english isn't flawless



    BTW if someone thinking that i made this thread just for myself to get easy money

    im playing this game for 2 months and i got +10m worth of legends i dont need money as much as these NEWBIES.


  5. 4 minutes ago, Nanometic said:

    It has been stated multiple times on the forums that the gun is in fact broken and using the wrong fire rate for its hip fire mode.

    but i just got it its not fair... ffff

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