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Posts posted by Venda

  1. 24 minutes ago, Kiida said:

    \APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config
    Open APBInput.ini
    Search "sprint", first result
    Change "Bindings=(Name="Sprint",Command="InputSprinting | OnRelease InputStopSprinting")" to "Bindings=(Name="Sprint",Command="InputStopSprinting | OnRelease InputSprinting")"

    This makes you sprint by default, pressing/holding shift to slow to a jog.

    It works, thank you so much. 🙂

  2. Hello guys, is there any config available to somehow make sprint toggleable? My pinkie finger starts to hurt so much after holding shift for 15mins or so, i just can't play normally. I know that LO against configs and i agree with them on this, but still, this one little thing would help me alot. Thank you.


    I think i posted in the wrong sub category, sorry...

  3. I'm using my regular account to login to OTW, but it says that my credentials are incorrect. Changed password, even logged in to regular server, but OTW still says it's incorrect.


    Edit: After trying for like 20th time it finally worked.

  4. Quote

    The game is still pretty fun. Something you forgot to mention is that Gamersfirst sold hacks to people and then banned them. But never VAC banned em. And now it has a new developer and they are trying really hard to clean up this game to be something better

    This is from comment section in the video, and if we dig deeper, i'm pretty sure we will find some more gems.


    People literally never played APB, but somehow already formed their opinions that game is P2W. Same old story...

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