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Posts posted by Selaya

  1. The new balance from the oblivion is great you must strife left/right to be 100% accurate.
    The misery and the COBR-A are perfect now, we can finally do more than Blitzkrieg 2 with and now you can challenge the assault rifles users.
    The HVR.. YES NO MORE BRONZE GAMEPLAY getting 85 in close range QS/JUMP SHOT.
    IR3 with -21% fire rate when FULL SPRAY... smart idea (No irony) which one dev got that idea ? I would like to know.
    ANUBIS oooh yess the anubis 2014, version 2, is back baby.

    That's all for the good things. 

    PS: CSG/TAS20 can 2 shots from 17m what a joke, we are back to the future of RTW shotgun lel.

  2. Yes I know about all of what you wrote but I was expecting a dev. to answer me because this game got too many useless stuffs, they really need to go more concrete and simple like every shooter games if they want to attract more peeps. 

    Do a "all or nothing" to see ennemies everything like spotter OR everything like firework/tagger.

    But of course I can still wait for a dedicated answer.

    PS: I love VIP missions, when with my friends we are VIP of course it's so much more challenging... but it could be moooore interesting to add 2 sides VIP. Isn't APB a dynamic shooter and an arcade game based than a dumb Kill and Leave ?

  3. Then good luck I guess for this casual "competition". And I hope that Little Orbit will be able one day to include dedicated private/customisable servers  with a board of optional settings for gears, missions and modifications (allowed/forbiden - max players- maps -missions2play-etc...). 

  4. I would like to know if it's possible for the developpers to add, during a VIP mission, VIPs in both sides like we do in Asylum.
    Because let's be honest.... There is no proportionality between a VIP single life and an armada of players lifes. Imagine VIP in both side where both team has to think twice before rushing an opposite VIP.
    To prevent "running objective (the VIP)"  you can add an out of bound when VIPs have a 100m gap between them, so one of them will teleport 20m back or something.

    There is something simple that I still don't understand (since years ago), why with spotter we can see through walls and not with firework ? Makes firework (tagger) useless and spotter way "too powerfull". 
    Can you, developpers, do an "All or nothing" ? Spotter,firework and tagger able to see though obstacles OR not at all.

    Again all of that are just ideas and ascertaainments. 
    Thank you again, cordially.

  5. I would like to know if it's possible for the developpers to add, during a VIP mission, VIPs in both sides like we do in Asylum.
    Because let's be honest.... There is no proportionality between a VIP single life and an armada of players lifes. Imagine VIP in both side where both team has to think twice before rushing an opposite VIP.
    To prevent "running objective (the VIP)"  you can add an out of bound when VIPs have a 100m gap between them, so one of them will teleport 20m back or something.

    There is something simple that I still don't understand (since years ago), why with spotter we can see through walls and not with firework ? Makes firework (tagger) useless and spotter way "too powerfull". 
    Can you, developpers, do an "All or nothing" ? Spotter,firework and tagger able to see though obstacles OR not at all.

    Again all of that are just ideas and ascertaainments. 
    Thank you again, cordially.

    • Like 1

  6. You are starting really bad already with 2 ntec and HVR allowed plus car respawn.... too much stuff yet in the rules, you should  do several tests with clans and players to see if it'ss REALLY doable. 
    Like many does in other games inside of the community. 

  7. What a sterile debate guys...

    Macro script for computers or Turbo mode for game consoles does exist since ages. (from mouse, alternative softwares, arcadestick, controllers, etc...) 
    Doesn't matter what kind of game we are talking about when the subject is :

    Macro good or not ? Bannable or not bannable ? 
    Actually,only non official tiers software like AHKprogram is Batteleye detectable, and BE should kick you from the game and not bann. The community so depending of the amount of reports will be a result of a manual bann.

    So can I use a macro script ?
    Dude if you are an adult enough, use it at your own risks. But believe me that is less bad than using a cheat software.  

    End of the discussion.


    PS: Meanwhile in PUBG Support.
          Hello. All macros are detectable whether private or public, if you use macros and players report too often, your account will be manually verified by PUBG and you will be banned.



  8. Ok there are like 4 topics with this same issue. I gonna expose my problem over there, something that a lot of players are facing since 2 days already due to Mission/Fightclubs/Social districts.

    So yesterday I was able  to play  in mission district with friends then massive mission district crashes.
    Trying to relog , stuck at "Contacting World Server" No problem I go to sleep anyway...

    Today I tried to login etc... same problem stuck at "Contacting World Server"... and take in mind that happend today between 17h00-17h30 (I'm from France but country doesn't matter, friends were able to log in without issue, only 2 of us)

    I'm trying again to log in RIGHT NOW and it's 00h12 and guess what ?
    I can log in to the server world i'm chilling in social ditrcit right now... So every time when a district server crash I'm not able to cotnact the world server again. 

    So now the question to #LittleOrbit-Support is : Why are we facing this problems since 2 days already ? Why before we didn't face this issue ?

  9. Again for tonight....
    by the way you don't need to reinstall it, I was able to play until one of the District crashes.

    Then me and some of my friends weren't able to relog, same music... Contacting world server...  ERROR.

    And little orbit's staff isn't replying us about this issue that many players are facing.
    What is causing this new problem ? Are the servers too old ? Are you planing to rent new servers ?

  10. A suggestion post for the Developper Team


    Hello everyone, 
    I was wondering with a bunch of friends, about action disitricts that they are overpopulated since a month ago (especially silver districts where there are a lot of golds, made us impossible to join and gold district are defenetely forgotten)

    Do you think that it would be possible to make the threat level district dynamic ?

    Exemple: If there are 70% of silver threat players then the district stay silver threat but if 1 hour later there are 40% of silver players and 60% of gold players then the disitrct became  automaticaly Gold threat ? And when that happens an Auto Silver or Neutral threat level distirct pops out on the selection list ?


    It's really hard in Citadel now to join a silver district with friends... they are over populated by golds doesn't matter if it's waterfront or financial from 6 silvers district 5/6 are FULL.
    Gold players never join Gold districts, they are useless. 
    If everything is dynamic I'm pretty sure that Mission Districts will be more fair and easely to join for everybody.

    What about doing the same for Fightclubs ? So Bronze and Silver players will be able to play in this game mode with their Threat level majority
    (Yes because, if you ever have bronze and silver friends, or jsut by asking to them what do they think about fightclubs, trust me that they hate fight clubs not only because they are cheaters but because of the skill gap)


    If all of that is impossible then, let's make everything like Open Conflict ? (alternatevely called Anarchy mode \o/)


    I'm sorry again for my "college english skill" I'm really bad on grammar.
    But I hope that you can at least understand my idea if it hasn't already suggested before by somebody else in the past.

    Best regards.

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