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  1. but not free control over symbols if i remember correctly. and controls and so is very dated. and more layers and if u add another symbol to another it should only count as 1 and so on
  2. not only that can you guys improve designer a bit, its old and lacking a lot I'm sure i could find more if i think a bit about it? make it so u can make custom shapes? and if u make a symbol and add it to another it only takes 1 layer. if not add more than 150 as suggested here for awesome symbols
  3. @Keshi after further study i think it will be impossible because of all the colors. but if u flip image make it a bit darker. (use the white part with gun) it can work or make a background where the text is black transparent so u can see text i also think that this image has been so compressed so many times its so far from the original. so yeah. mby easier to remove it
  4. make the text have black borders! or have option to have black text
  5. nice, i wanna use that background lol :), you do a fine job thanks.!
  6. yep i was aware of that the day i insert it...wanted to resize it in a better way or just remove it...i'll do my best to check it later! its an awesome background if it was less white or text had black border or something
  7. some of the pre made background don't support the white font color @Keshi
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