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Posts posted by niblyv


    18 minutes ago, Zolerox said:

    Want to see the controller user Lean.

    lean is automatic on the console apb

    12 minutes ago, Fur said:

    holy the flaming going on here is nuts.


    you guys are legends. 


    (also, controller will 9/10 lose to kbm on a pc. i dont think i could ever lose to a controller player on nearly any game besides racing games, which in that case id just bust out the wheel.)

    hes talking about on ps4 where the mouse users still have limited turnrates and the xim "profiles" are kind of shit

  2. 1 hour ago, Zolerox said:

    "Controller will beat a mouse and keyboard"


    happens all the time on xbox/ps4, xim still has limitations so the controller beasts just farm the shitty ximmers lmao

  3. 2 hours ago, RandomCatface said:

    If it was banned before fairfight, it should have been unbanned when they did the punkbuster unbans awhile back? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Not unbanned by Fairfight, not unbanned by Punkbuster yet still banned for "hacking", what could it mean?


    A GM personally banned a players account for superficial evidence? And somehow these, likely to be the MOST falsely banned accounts of them all, as they were not banned by either anticheat but by a GMs own discretion, are the last bans to be lifted.


    It really doesn't make sense if you think about it does it?

  4. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    Hmmm... I wonder how this would play out.

    I do use my .45 AP a lot, and I tend to always miss that 1st shot when hipfiring. I kind of am curious how much a center dot would help. But unless LO gives the go ahead, I'd rather not break any rules.



    lol.. have u tried letting go of sprint before u fire? thats why perma sprint is "bad" from a competitive sense, if u use that


  5. 10 hours ago, LaQuandra said:

    Yeah, failed for the fact people were able to cheat in the game so therefore he doesn't want to broadcast it.


    You make no sense but that is par for the course so carry on like usual. 

    Thats not what he said at all tho? He said banning is a failure because they lost a player. AKA HWID banning = permanently losing a player(not really) so it seems unlikely he would be interested in permanently banning people and stopping them from rerolling

  6. 2 minutes ago, Rim said:

    You are so wrong man.


    Besides the cheating and server lag this game actually seems to be going uphill. 


    It hasn't even been one month man. Relax.

    lol go play on jericho and tell me the game is going uphill, its fucking unplayable bro

    1 minute ago, Knite said:

    It hasn't even been a month since the announcement of the acquisition; in that time, we've gotten a huge increase in communication and transparency where it is appropriate. 


    As of the Q&A stream, BattlEye implementation is 3/4 done and due for the next patch. When they say "very soon", I trust them, and I don't expect an exact date, because technology does not cooperate 100% of the time.

    They acquired the game May 10th. BattlEye was announced to be 3/4 done on May 25th. 3/4th done in 15 days, now 10 days later and it still isn't finished and he still can't tell his poor playerbase when it might come out? Come on

  7. 1 minute ago, AgentWatson said:

    Do I even need to say at this point, I'm just baffled. 

    I mean your blatant fanboyism of the company in spite of everything presented before you was evident in that thread about the GM fucking with players lol


    nothing you say is really going to be of interest for anyone that wants to see the game progress past 1500 concurrent players lmao

  8. Quote

    I have taken great care in what I have announced. Everything we talk about publicly has a plan that is being executed on. I have specifically not announced the BattlEye patch release date, because I can't be 100% certain when that will happen. It's our first patch and we want BattlEye to be bullet proof.




    Hi everyone,


    I appreciate the OP's sentiment, and we are doing what we can with the existing tools in place. The next patch with BattlEye is very very close.

    I'm going to lock this thread, because I don't really see any further value in it. But I hope the OP will give us another chance down the road as things improve.



    What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing to post on saturday that a patch for your game is "very very close" then follow up 4 days later with "I don't know when it will be release and I dare not say"


    The game is in an absolutely abysmal state right now, with hackers ontop of game-killing lag. No one above rank 30(maybe no one at all) has been banned for cheating since u acquired the game a month ago and you still cant release battleye?

    What is taking so long? There is nothing on your end to be done with battleye so you saying "we want it to be bullet proof" doesnt really explain much dude


    you probably should say nothing at all

    • Like 1

  9. 2 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    maybe youre just bad at cheating

    i dont cheat and how would that be relevant to the "detection" status of those hacks? maybe your friends/you/whoever caused you to be under the impression that those hacks are detected is in denial?

  10. 4 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Once PunkBuster was removed, no cheat for APB could ever be "detected" as APB had no client sided anti cheat.

    Like any cheat site will tell you, undetected =/= you wont get caught or banned.

    actually common misconception

    fairfight has some screenshot thing that basically meant you could only use one hack for it that is the only one who cared enough about apb to figure it out, the only cheat that you don't get banned for using offers "Fairfight screenshot cleaning" and all the others dont

    so systemcheat/aj/aa/hags etc are all pretty much 2-3 day ban because they dont clean ff screenshots and the hack every1 uses actually does clean them and thats why u have people cheating for the past 2-3 yrs with no ban like archangelus and others


    7 minutes ago, Clandestine said:

    Close to 0 for some time then eventually BE will become obsolete. Denuvo was impossible to crack too they said lol

    when u can freely cheat in battleye games apb will be the least of the cheating worlds worries because battleye is pretty much stopping cheats in the most popular games in the world rn

    also you have to consider that battleye is getting INSANE funding from pubg and fortnite like no anticheat ever has so they are prolly having a way easier time of staying ahead

    • Like 1

  11. 7 hours ago, Tobii said:

    No AC is perfect, that's just a fact.

    I am sure BE is a decent AC, but there is still cheats that remain undetected for a VERY VERY long time.


    7 hours ago, Tobii said:

    I just did.

    You said nothing about public. 🙂


    If you want links for public stuff, then you know as much as I do.

    I can't help you with that.

    I mean I actually did say


    go ahead and pm me purchasable cheats for any of the games I listed that aren't from some sketch kid charging $200+/month on unknown for "private hacks"

     and you think you're some genius telling me to look up bossland.. which is a private hack for pubg that only has 20 slots? as in only 20 people in the whole world can use it at a time, literally the definition of a private cheat


    comparatively in the past 7 yrs in apb.. for 3 of them ppl used hags.. $10/month, unlimited slots, never detected until the guy stopped supporting it.. then ppl used """""""""THAT""""""""" cheat by that german guy.. $8/month, unlimited slots, never detected PERIOD in 4 years, only gm bans in the past 4 years.


    ur just setting urself up for something to complain about obviously which honestly is surprising to me because uve been banned in apb like 10 times lmao, just deal with the fact that the # of people cheating in this game will be close to 0 until some1 takes on a private cheat request and then it will be like 10-20 per "coder" and even they still get detected



  12. 1 hour ago, Tobii said:

    The vast majority is from china because PUBG is 50% Chinese players, that doesn't mean only people from China cheat?

    This is not the case with fortnite, r6 or h1z1 either.


    Also it's not hard to find cheats still.

    Especially when it comes to PUBG there is a lot of ways to cheat without actually using a tool/injecting etc. /shrug


    Every country cheats, not just China.. That's just how it is.

    I mean if you actually want to look into yourself you'll see what I'm saying is true, in the case of PUBG, I don't know about the other games but probably not because they aren't popular in china. The VAST MAJORITY, apparently 99% of cheaters banned in PUBG are from china. If only 50% of the game is from china and 99% of hackers are from china that means comparatively very few people not from china are hacking


    go ahead and pm me purchasable cheats for any of the games I listed that aren't from some sketch kid charging $200+/month on unknown for "private hacks", u just wont be able too

    battleye has beaten every single "mass sale" cheat website into submission

  13. 2 hours ago, TheAceNinja said:

    Imagine being this ignorant. Holy hell. Lol

    quite common knowledge that 46% of pubg players are from china and 99% of banned cheaters in pubg are chinese(where they buy the game for cheap as fuck cause steam regional pricing and get banned over and over), as of the latest #s from battleye, but hey, you're welcome to scour paid cheat websites and link a single one that supports a battleye game, ill wait


    battleye games u should look for: pubg, h1z1, dayz, fortnite, r6 siege

    just find a paid cheat for them dude, lmk how it goes for u







  14. 56 minutes ago, TheAceNinja said:


    Just like any other anti-cheat, there will still be hackers. Hopefully this cuts down on the amount by a good margin though.

    you have no idea what ur talking about tho, since theres only cheaters in china in any other battleye game(h1z1,pubg,fortnite,dayz,ark) and they rebuy the game over and over every single day

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