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Posts posted by LYoNX369

  1. Okay, so can someone in charge tell me why on the launcher LO doesn't have up to date information. Just like this extended time of servers being down.

    Some people don't know to come to forums for information.

    Latest news and updates it 'says'. Last listing  was from August

    Would make more sense if you had it listed in launcher messages. You probably have a large % of players that think the game is shutdown even.

    I and everyone else in APB appreciates your efforts, but lets take it a step further and do as I am suggesting.

    It only makes sense. I have had to tell at least a dozen people it isn't shutdown, that you guys are doing some kind of updates.

    Lixil I expect you will be where I will get an answer for this or excuse/reason.

    Have a great day APBers.

    Much love to all and Happy Thanksgiving

  2. Hang on a minute. You are going to give only Premium players compensation? I don't need it, because I have everything in the game worth having. Yet, that seems sort of screwy that you will only compensate people with active Premium for the inconvenience. Almost all of us have sunk piles of money into this game.

    Everyone should get some compensation.

    I don't mean to be disrespectful, but there seems to be a lack of management and consideration for APB population at large. (All platforms and all continental servers.)



    • Thanks 1

  3. The only solution to this problem would be to isolate bronze, greens, and Trainees in their own district. Thus Silver and gold must play vs each other. 



    1. It isn't fair to anyone except other golds on your teams that are 'dethreating',. And people call you a try hard if you push against this behavior.


    2. You are creating the problem. APB players are are like predators. Nature of the game, which is cool. They want to search out the easiest targets. Again, the result they dethreat to get to bronze.

    >>>People rejoice when they lose their Gold.<<<


    3, You are losing new players that are overwhelmed by this Threat system's flaws. 


    4. Causes contempt within the community, thus making it more toxic. Multiple reasons that are too numerous to list here.


    In closing I will say I have been here as long as the game. I have worked with gamersfirst with many issues within the game.

    I know what will work and not work.

    >>>Implement this change for a month and see how it works out. <<<


    One last thing. You may think; "Yeah, but silvers wont be able to play with silver!" Not so, It takes nothing to make silver from bronze. But takes a lot to get from Silver back to bronze.

    I won't point out the guidelines of how or why that is for it will expose techniques. 


    What do you have to lose @MattScott Trust me


    Sincerely. LX


    NA/EU APB player

  4. On 9/20/2018 at 9:08 AM, Clandestine said:

    I'm failing to comprehend how is LO losing money this way? What's the difference if someone is going to pay 20$ for FFA or will buy it for 5mil APB$?? LO doesn't get any profit either way.
    To be honest it would be cool if we could sell legendaries and whatnot on steam market.

    Your second {2nd} question actually answers >>> your question.<<<
    Anymore questions?
    Revenue look it up. You want a up and running game to get work done it cost money. 
    Step back and look you will be wiser my friend.

    So carry on Little Orbit. Good job on the trading system too.

  5. On 9/19/2018 at 8:19 AM, Mitne said:

    I agree with StunStick.

    Every single damn thing (cheating, dethreating, "black outside market") is reaction to playerbase toxicity - simple psychology.
    If playerbase would be normal I guarantee that cheating would be minor problem, dethreating wouldn't be worth it and black outside market would be in huge minority (it would exist, people always sell in-game items for real money).
    Don't be naive, my friend. APB is APB... not Roblox
    You have people running around shooting each other and then add social = APB Toxicity
    I love social, but that is why APB is as it is. We have a place we sit around with nothing to do but talk and rib each other.
    You know you can disable chat and voip if you choose.
    Its an edgy game. Yay!!!

  6. I have never played a game where they baby the players so much.
    Tell them to fight or die.

    Do away with Threat Level. It does no good. Anyone that wants to can circumvent it. Thus it is useless to start with. I have been here and seen them try everything. 
    Except simply telling players to stop whining and suck it up. 

    Its like giving trophies for being there instead of winning.

  7. 12 hours ago, Signarly said:

    Who cares. I find it greedy and kinda pathetic that most companies have this anti RMT rule. I understand it for games that are infested by botting, but for games like APB who cares? If anything they should let you sell legendarys through the steam market place. WoW is infested by bots and they don't even ban for RMT they just send a generic email about the effects of botting trying to make you feel bad for supporting them. Yes i've bought WoW gold. Gotta get my 350 weapon yo.

    I care.

  8. On 9/13/2018 at 1:20 AM, JudgeAnderson said:
    On 9/13/2018 at 12:43 AM, BXNNXD said:
    afaik jericho servers are in houston (texas) and citadel/nekrova servers are in frankfurt (germany)

    Well for us Aussies Texas is better than Germany for sure. Was thinking of coming back, so worth a look at least. Only issue is wtf am i supposed to do with 3 mains on the same server?
    See my comment.  That is what I said,,,I have bought multi slots too; when I started playing on EU.

  9. 1 hour ago, StunStick said:

    Are people here really defending the craphats that are ruining the legendary market, and making it difficult to purchase legendary weapons?

    The people doing this are also trying to redefine "Trustworthiness" by saying it's "How much you spent on armas", something that doesn't affect them because they sell their guns for money, meaning they spent OTHER people's money on armas stuff.

    They should really start taking action against these people, they are part of the issue that makes this game inaccessible to newer players.

    [Player 1]: "Can I buy that legendary weapon?"
    [Craphats]: "Paypal?"
    [Player 1]: "No. APB$"
    [Craphats]: *Says price that is around 20% over market value*


    Thank you for your support, but this has nothing to do with the 20% Tariff on auction.
    The tariffs are what make the in APB game economy work and 'not just a free for all where a few level up weapons' then give everyone else the MODs or Cars they unlock through PROGRESSION. 

    Anything else and you might as well call the game Socialism, because there will be no incentive to try to progress or be better.

    If there is no revenue; there is no progress and upkeep, then there is no game. Sorry gaming isn't a charity thing.
    I know @MattScott said he is wants to try and make APB thrive and is going to do what he can to make it so, but this takes money.
    Its a free to play game. Not a free weapons for all without work.

    Good day cititzens.

    @Cookypuss much love crazycat

  10. I am not going to mention names, but people are selling weapons for Paypay a.k.a. real world money. Which is in total violation of EULA. 
    I only put this out there because I want any money going to Little Orbit so they can get us to Unreal 4 engine and everything else they want to do. 
    It takes money. Support San Paro/APB

    I do have a chat log file showing the offense though. I will send it, but request that you just reassert EULA 

    • Thanks 4

  11. You don't listen to them MS <(mattScott). Go with your vision man.
    So we that have EU {added slots} chars to our 2 US Chars on 'same account' may 'also' expect full access to our goods on 'same account'?
    I mean it would only be fair.
    World cluster Fiew. I mean view
    Negates it all bit if not... don't you think?

    Just pay me off.  <<< teasing

    P.S. the 'HANdle' comment was too funny.

    Keep up the good work MS and team.


  12. I've been here long enough to know you can't hide the sheep from the wolves in APB.

    Matchmaking would work better if people weren't dethreating and hiding true threat level in order to get in to play. { if someone were to do such }
    Especially in a Free to Play Game they can create multiple accounts in.
    You end up with a mess e.g. APB in past few years. 
    You got to open the game up and put everyone together. No one wants to play nurse maid. It is what killed the original APB.
    Anyone that doesn't agree then you don't understand. Without its edginess APB is boring. {tease troll there }}:P
    Do something to encourage the good players to do their thing not reward them for toying with threat level.
    APB doesn't stand for A Pampered Baby or does it? Hmm

    LLLO, LLU  xxx
    Long Live Little Orbit, LYoNX Luvs U. Smooches

    thanks guys


  13. 15 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    This is a bad idea, and you should feel bad.

    What do you mean Crazycat? 'You know me=L}{'. I never feel bad, because I am sincere in purpose.

    How is it a bad idea? As temp fix? We are getting on as Gold and have nowhere to play.
    Call it something like >>>APB PURGE HOURS<<<. It would actually boost late night play.
    Full on old school where anyone can takeout anyone except their own faction in district.


  14. We all know that you are losing players due to Golds having nowhere to play which causes all the dethreating. {Some just because, but most of want to play APB. Knowing when the population lull hits they won't be able to play otherwise.}

    >>>>>SET CERTAIN HOURS { the pop lull} when only Open Conflict servers are up and running.<<<<<.<<<<<
    Late night population would be larger.
    Try it. You will see i have solved a big problem for you and late night players.


  15. I think it would be a bad idea.
    That is ridiculous and it would not be in Little Orbits best interest as far as revenue and not to mention it would not be fair to players that have maintained non-violation accounts.
    Buy your weapons account wide.
    >>>>>This merging is just a way of you people that want it to shortchange Little Orbit. They made a substantial investment in buying gamersfirst<<<<< 
    You people expect them to give you everything. 
    That isn't how business works.
    As for the CEO.... he has spoken of fondness for APB. I can see it, but fact it fact it is about the bottom line. $$$
    Servers and Techs don't pay for themselves.
    Have a great day and stop whining.

  16. On 6/19/2018 at 8:51 AM, SgtOzone said:

    i dont think you understand why they are unbanning people..
    i am going to say this once, and once only, the devs have already stated why.

    They are unbanning people, because FairFight and some GM's banned people, that weren't actually hacking. Fairfight autobanned people, and GM's would ban people if they think someone looks sus, but its so hard to tell on this game if theres someone cheating if they are a closet hacker. ESP for instance, you can easily snap behind you because you saw someone behind you whilst having your char face that direction.

    They aren't unbanning because they want to put hackers back in the game, they are helping OG players back into the game who use to play but got banned for BS reasons, they dont know who hacked, there is no evidence, so its easier to unban everyone, on a clean slate, and the hackers will get re-banned if they re-offend. Since theyve done this, population has swarmed back to the game.

    People have came back, because they hope the game will continue and are showing support.
    So yes i know quite well.
    Maybe they should have lifted the bans from Gamersfirst admins, but all others should have been deleted.

    And you don't know what you are saying is true. Regardless the banned players could make new players and act accordingly.
    On 7/13/2018 at 9:42 AM, Faithh said:

    my acc was banned back in 2014 from FF and now the acc just not exist anymore for some reasons..... are they even deleting accounts now ? 

    Nice to see they take the advice of one as wise as me.

  17. 2 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    7 minutes ago, LYoNX369 said:

    Now they are just switching up to push sells of new Joker boxes and weapons. Anyway, anyone that can prove me wrong on this please be my guest.

    while the new guns are both shotguns they have a .7s ttk and 1.05s ttk, that plus orbit currently testing versions of the oca and jg/csg with higher ttks make me think that orbit is pretty aware of the negative effects of pushing low ttk guns
    LOL I won't even say what I want about that comment. It is not balanced. They are making the shotguns Noob friendly. Lets call it what it is.

  18. On 8/10/2018 at 5:30 PM, Kewlin said:

    While I'm not a proponent of increasing TTK, I sure as hell think we need to stop the TTK creep that's been going on, because pretty damned soon 0.5s is going to be the standard TTK for CQC guns. The OCA needs to be reverted and we need to stop getting faster and faster guns.

    Remember when the LCR was able to out TTK sniper rifles? Now the ISSR-B is just as fast or faster and has a lower STK and better accuracy. APB just has too much power-creep.
    I agree with Kewl on the creeping TTK. Alas, Gamersfirst done just as Little Orbit is doing.... Tampering with guns so as to sell Joker Boxes and other goods. That is why we have had the TTK creeping effect. 
    Anyway, anyone that can prove me wrong on this please be my guest.

    Like 'all' I am glad the work is being done on APB. Guess you have to break a few eggs as the old saying goes.

  19. I don't think much of this personally.

    The accounts should be deleted for good.

    Its not fair to players that don't cheat and never have. Thos whom were banned by fairfight or PB for hacking or altering of any sort should not have anything from it. Obliterate it


    You are asking for trouble guys.

    Whatever I'm a good citizen I will keep on Enforcing . I have had my say. }}:)

    • Like 1

  20. Na/US/JERICHO Social district has been maxing out @ 150 overall Dist Pop. Only Social there.


    Setup another Social district. This is what you want... more of us. Lets do this. 



    Much respect, LYoNX {global}

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