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Everything posted by Hioshi

  1. I want to help Little Orbit with content, so I've thought up random bits and bobs of things thay could add. Akimbo Weapons As the name says, dual weild weapons. Mainly pistols, or the occasional SMG. Melee Various types of melee taking up the Secondary slot. You can have either a normal secondary, or a melee such as a crowbar. Player Owned Apartments Simply said, along with Social, player owned apartments. Only people you invite, or allow, can enter.
  2. Hioshi

    Looping emotes?

    Just for simple things like dances, poses, and idles. I'm not gonna write much here, this is all I wanted to say. Now fock off.
  3. Nice -3- God, with how much time I spend on APB, it's not too common for me to find nice people.
  4. Some kid named *snip* says people love to brag about how much they've spent. Mostly people who spent more then 2K. He won't ever shut up about it, so can anyone confirm this?
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