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Everything posted by AxeTurboAgressor

  1. Here, I'm presenting my extended version of Joker Distribution Loop 2. Hope you like it. ITS NOT JUST A LOOP APB: Reloaded - Joker Distribution Loop 2 [EXTENDED - by Axesor]
  2. Apb chat always used to be offensive, and toxic, and I like it. Your best bet is to /ignore. You can just remove old ignores to replace them.. Iam sure few months old ignored ones will not offend u anymore.. I play APB since very beginning of Reloaded, and my ignore list is empty. There always been like 1-3 ignores when i ve been like srsly spammed with bullshoot but i removed them after a while. It like some shit is happening on personal level, but you get so mad, so you just have to drag it on public lvl and ask for ban. This is what happens in APB all the time, ppl get mad, losing their mind, but thrn they calm down again. Absurd is your approach @Ketog. There is like no need for this item. Dont be pussies srsly..
  3. Oh my god. Use /ignore function. Thats why is this command in the game. Its so stupid. Its like u can either /ignore him, or you let him insult you and make him banned. And you decided that u want him get banned. U r actualy evil... O_o
  4. Its a regular thing to see that enemy player spawns 100m or closer to his opp. 100m is a visible distance between two players. The spawning distance between 2 players needs to be 150+m. Defenders soawns 150+m at minimum from objective, attackers 100m from obj.
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