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Posts posted by Misterff1

  1. 6 minutes ago, Similarities said:

    I'm actually curious as to where all of the people who were defending (read: shilling) the shotguns are at, why aren't there more in this thread? There were a lot talking about how great it was just a week or so ago, now they're all MIA suddenly. 🤔

    Off-topic: I got called a hacker today by a Russian corner camping with a JG because I .45'd him before he could kill me. Hiiiiiiiiiiilarious how bad you have to be for that to happen.

    Well you got one here. I still stand by the fact that it's more balanced than it used to be. I can understand people calling it boring after a week though. In my opinion, however, that does not change my stance on how balanced it is.

    As for that off-topic stuff: yes, yes that is quite hilarious 😄

  2. I think more segregation or new player districts is not the way to handle this situation. You will only make population spread over more instances and you can bet your patootie that the toxics of this community will keep making new accounts to grief the newbies (the most childish thing you can do, but sadly a harsh reality here). 

    Here's a different set of ideas:

    1. Have a proper gameplay tutorial
    Right now we have a textwall tutorial, which does not work for humans in any part of their lives. If there is one thing I learned, it's that people just don't read. What we need is an opt-in step by step tutorial where you spawn into an area on your own with target practice and its own contact. You can then learn about contacts, pledging, joker tickets and gun types. You can also do a few example missions purely focussed on the mechanics. Then when you are done, you get to my next point:

    2. Use cross-instance matchmaking
    This way, you can add a system where you initially only get matched against other low levels. HOWEVER, this should be optional. You should get the option to get matched against any level and after R30 or so this should be the only option. That way, you give new players some time and old players the option to get out of this filter (only a new char on the same account should simply not get the option in the first place).

    3. Add an Elite:dangerous-like mentor system.
    In E:D, you can request a mentor ingame that can show you the ropes. Others can apply for this so they can then receive those requests. Imagine this in apb, where anyone R195+ can become a mentor and anyone below R50 can request one. Possible addition: mentor rating, to avoid trolls. 

    In my opinion, these changes will help new players while uniting the playerbase, instead of dividing it. 

    • Like 1

  3. 1 hour ago, BingoBookBG said:

    With the speed things r goin probably never.Instead focusin on dat 3.5 they make this weapon balance nobody cares about(besides couple of people on forum)I start thinkin dat  they delay things deliberately and wonder why..

    Actually I think the changes so far were more than welcome and were not made by the same people who do the upgrades. There's no delays because of those changes. It's just that the code is a shitshow and always has been. It takes time. Give it some.

  4. Not sure if those range fixes have come in yet, but I was playing again yesterday and had an absolute blast! Many people complain about the shotsguns in particular, but I really do not see the problem. From my experience,there is a lot more balance in types of weapons used and I felt the need to swap to different styles to stay relevant in a match more often than before.
    To me, that sounds like striking a good balance! 

    Also to those saying they get fed up with getting shot so quickly from closeby...yah that is what shotguns tend to (and should) do. How about moving further away? That you easily keep you from, you know, dying.

    • Like 1

  5. 5 hours ago, bezzzz said:

    thanks for giving us all these awesome patch notes! im glad we are still struggling to play the game because of the server lag. Nice to know your head is as far gone as G1's. Lag will kill the game before the game kills itself. @MattScott

    Server lag should be fixed within 24hours, idc about the excuse, the games unplayable. Make everything on armas free or shut the servers down. I shouldnt have an option to support a company who cant even fix netcode errors.


    Seriously, you disgust me. How on earth can a person feel so entitled that they ram these demands down the throats of people trying hard to fix a game older than yourself? Fuck you man. Piss off and don't come back.

  6. 6 hours ago, Zascha said:

    Yeah, there's too much overexplanation, overcomplication, and ego-stroking in this.


    In all my years of playing this game, I've noticed there are four types of players in this game. It's the same four types of players you find in any other game:


    1. Noobs who don't know anything.

    2. Casuals who don't know much about the game and don't care to know.

    3. Casuals who know a lot about the game but don't care to Tryhard or use that knowledge.

    4. Competitives--also known as Tryhards.

    *5. This isn't really a category, but it's interesting to note. There is a small group of people who actually fall somewhere between 2 and 3 who ONLY play with 4's to essentially reap the benefits of the 4's popularity or notoriety. I call them Gold Diggers. These are usually the ones with the biggest mouths and talk the most shit to other people who complain about cheaters or something being unfair. Lots of people in these forums like this, I think. Basically, their goal is to feel like they're better than other people somehow.


    You'll notice the Threat Colors correspond to these Categories:


    1. They're Green's or Bronze.

    2. They usually dance between Bronze and Silver.

    3. They usually dance between Silver and Gold. (This is where most of your Dethreaters come from, because they don't want to play against Category 4.)

    4. They're usually always Gold.


    But also, the way the Threat system works is FUBAR, because people who are in Category 2 sometimes go Gold because maybe they get a lot of wins. The difference between Category 2's and 3's is something which isn't really tracked in the game because there's no way to track how much you know about the game and how much you care about winning.


    All this stuff about Game Sense, Mechanics, Awareness, all this other crap is just ego-stroking from folks who thinks they have some kind of elite knowledge. You do the same stuff in this game as you do in any other game. There's not some secret tactical information in APB that you either know or don't know.


    You either know the map or you don't.

    You either know how to work the spawns or you don't.

    You either know how to work the weapon ranges or you don't.

    You either know to gang up on one guy or you don't.

    You either communicate what is going on or you don't.

    You either know to play with minimum settings for maximum frames or you don't.

    You either know to manipulate your mouse DPI and sensitivity or you don't.

    And lastly, you either use cheats or you don't. (Put here, because it happens, though it's not technically an aspect I am referring to.)


    So basically:


    You either want to expend the energy to actually do all of that stuff or you don't.

    You either play only with other people who want to do it or you don't--This is primarily why PUG's don't work against Pre-Mades.

    A team of four players who all fall into Category 4, they will always beat another crew that is not entirely made up of any other Category.

    Another caveat to this is people who claim they don't care and seem to be able to manage all of the above. It's not correct. They do care. They are actually concentrating on these things intently, at least some of the time.

    And then you have people who have played together for so long, they can do a lot of this stuff on auto-pilot.


    Basically, you either want to Tryhard, or you don't want to Tryhard.


    The reason this game is frustrating is because you have two groups of people who have entirely different expectations for this game, and they're constantly forced to play together. I cannot tell you how many times I have said, "Why are we OPPed against these guys over and over and over again? Where are all the people who are like us?" My only estimation is they either quit the game, or they've decided to dethreat to play in the Bronze District. This issue is only exacerbated by the fact that the Tryhards WILL NOT play in the proper District--Gold District. They WILL without fail go to the Silver district. I believe this is because APB has historically had a serious problem with Cheaters, both Blatant and Closet. This is exactly why RP decided some time ago to experiment with Silver/Gold Locking Districts. This didn't work, however, primarily because of how the Threat system works. A Category 2 can easily jump into Gold, and they end up doing the Threat Dance I mentioned above--and it's just frustrating and not fun. Basically, the Threat System is FUBAR.


    Either way, this forced Opposition scenario has created a false sense of inflated ego inside the minds of Tryhards (like they're doing something amazing) mostly because they're children, or they're at the age where they think any of this stuff even matters. To them, it's important that they're good. It's the same mindset when people try to say, "I beat/play the game on the Hardest Difficulty because it means I'm awesome." In reality--who cares? Well, obviously someone cares. Not that I have any room to judge them--to each their own. It's something that is important to them, and so... all right. Fair enough. Regardless, folks are forced to play against them. In the end, however, all it does is reward the person who really cares and punishes the person who is just trying to have a good time.


    So, that, in my estimation, is what I see is the biggest problem in this game. Cheaters were the biggest problem, but since LO brought in BattleEye and FairFight is still active, I feel they have done everything they can for that problem. And so, I have confidence in their resolution for that. Their next main objective should be tackling the issue with the Threat System and the Match-Making in general to help alleviate the problem I mentioned above.



    Thread should've ended here. This is EXACTLY how it is. 

    • Like 1

  7. 9 hours ago, WizYuan said:

    silvers all have the same typical gameplay

    • poor game sense
    • poor weapon usage
    • poor aim
    • blind running
    • tunnel vision
    • questionable teamwork/tactics

    Okay while I agree you see this a lot, it is not actually always like this. I am a silver myself, but I am not some dumb smart who's running in blindly or has tunnel vision. My aim is meh, my weapon usage is not perfect and game sense depends on the day I am playing, really. The rest simply does not apply to me.


    So what does that make me then? I am still technically a silver, yknow...

  8. 1 hour ago, LaQuandra said:

    Farm joker tickets and buy it from the joker store. 

    No I get that, but new players do not know this and even if they do, they need to put in far more effort than a rank 195+ player.

    No matter how you look at it, it is unfair

  9. Okay one more thing for you.. you say you have all the latest drivers installed, but did you also perform a clean install of them? I specifically mean this:


    -uninstall/roll back affecting drivers

    -Delete driver packages that automatically restores the updated drivers

    -manually reinstall drivers through official channels (e.g. NVIDIA Geforce Experience or Intel support website).


    Solved many issues for me in the past that seemed tied to a specific game.


    Oh and one more things: are you sure the game uses the 1070 and NOT the internal graphics? 

  10. To be honest, we need a new launcher anyway. It's crap from the very beginning. I recall sending Jotunblut a message many years ago offering to make a new one for free, which they could then tie into their own systems. It was a no from him, sadly.

  11. Okay I will add my two cents to this conversation...

    First of all, let me say that I do not wish to be regarded as racist. I appreciate everyone's input and enjoyment in games very much, regardless of where you are from and what language you speak.


    With that said... using native languages in a game filled with people from all over the world IS a problem. Not really when someone simply cannot speak English (lets be honest, this is simply the most universally understood language in the world), but definitely when people can. 


    A few examples to illustrate the issue: 


    1. Dutch swearing

    Last week I played apb and there were two seriously toxic players talking in the global chat. When confronted, they switched to the Dutch language and said "stomme kuthoer" and tons of similar phrases after that. In case you don't understand that... Good on you. It basically means stupid nice lady (gotta love the filter. You know what I mean), which is of course not meant to be constructive. It is meant to talk crap about someone without them understanding it.


    2. Russian chat

    By now it's been years since this happened, but it stuck to me because it showed the problem quite well. I was playing JC2-MP and a couple of people were talking russian to each other. I politely asked them what the conversation was about, because I couldn't understand them but given the situation I kinda needed to know. The reply was "you stupid american. We talk our language if we want to idiot" and then they went on with their business. Well... Alrighty then. First of all I am not an american, so thanks for that shortsighted assumption, but second of all I kinda need to know what this is about. No response...well actually there waa a response in russian. A not very polite one as you can imagine.


    3. We love to bash people

    Not sure what language it was, but at some point I asked them why they chose to speak their native language in an English server. Their very honest response: "we just love to bash people without them knowing xD"


    In case you don't see the pattern yet: over many years I experienced native language in international chat for only two reasons:


    1. To ridicule people or swear at them

    2. To communicate with a friend only.


    The first one is blatantly stupid as I am sure everyone can agree with. The second one has a bloody simple solution: use pm's, team chat, group chat or a third party service like discord. 


    I don't think we need LO to "solve" this as it is usually a small minority of players who do these things. However I do ask of people to understand that this has nothing to do with racism (at least not nearly in all cases). 


    Please just respect others and show good will by using the appropriate language, whatever that might be. There are situations where other languages are required and that is fine. However, in APB English is the standard language. Please respect that if you can.


    Also: if people keep talking in their native language for either of the two reasons listed above, then yes, use the ignore feature.

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