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  1. They always talk about the possibility of an SA server, but that promise is becoming increasingly unreachable for us players in South America. The truth is that this NA server is only active because we inhabit it, even with 150+ latency, which, like it or not, makes the gameplay totally terrible. But what can we do, right friends? We love this mess called APB Reloaded.
  2. I don’t understand why they keep delaying a server for us players in South America. And when you think about how much it would cost the company to invest in a country like Brazil, where the real R$ is heavily devalued.
  3. This is just a player venting who REALLY LOVES this game and is seeing it get worse every day because of TERRIBLE management. It's clear they don't care about our APB Reloaded at all. There are so many mistakes happening one after another, it’s impossible not to see that you’re wrecking the best, and actually the ONLY game that hasn’t been replaced because there’s nothing else like it in terms of gameplay and customization. For me and many others, it’s UNIQUE. I’ve never seen a shooter game that has this amazing feature you have but don’t know how to MANAGE. It’s clear you’re too incompetent to admit you don’t care about APB Reloaded anymore. If you actually wanted to revive the game, you’d be doing something about it. It’s crazy that a game that runs on almost every computer isn’t getting any visibility, and it’s not getting any because there’s zero marketing. Even if APB got some visibility again, people would quickly quit due to frustration when playing against us veterans who’ve been around for 10 years and know almost everything about the game. If you really wanted to keep APB alive, you’d need to make big changes, like fixing the MMR system and getting rid of the useless gold, silver, and bronze tiers that don’t work and just frustrate new players. And let’s talk about Advanced Launcher tweaks – not all players know about them, but they can give us huge advantages. For instance, I play without flashes and smoke from the game, which helps a lot, and new players would never get these tips and would quit right away. Even if you invested in all of this, you wouldn’t be able to invest in a GOOD anti-cheat system to stop the constant complaints about hackers in the game chat. Since I came back to play, I’ve only seen 2 cheaters who were really obvious and teleporting around. I’m not whining or anything, just trying to open the eyes of the community that still plays out of love for the game. Yes, I’m a South American player with 160ms latency, and I want to let all NA players reading this know: without SA players, YOU WOULDN’T HAVE AN APB SERVER. Thank us for sticking with something we really like. And wake up, SA players – we’ll never get a proper server or see APB become a well-known game again because this company is a total failure.
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