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Posts posted by TitoRukas

  1. The gamemode is good, but I think it is missing some things.


      - More UI related to the gamemode (also in spectator mode)

      - Deathscreen, when you die it would be nice if it shows who kill you, his weapon, how much damage you make him, a countdown to respawn and if        there was a little deathcam of how the player killed you will be awesome!

      - I also think that the gamemode doesnt inmerse the player.

      - I dont like that you need to open the map every time you want to see the zones that are "infected"

      - It will also be good another screen when you lose that shows your stats in the game, and give you the option to search for other game / spectate           current game / see your deathcam.

    • Like 2

  2. I remember when 3-4 years ago there were different forum sections depending on language. It was an awesome place for people that doesn't have a big knowledge of english. It will also bring more people to the forums.


    I remember that I known a lot of people that speak spanish like me, or clans from my country, something that is positive for all the players. It will be nice to have a little community for each language.


    They also translated important post into that language! So if its needed I can help doing that work! 

  3. 57 minutes ago, Haganu said:

    There are about 10 threat levels underlying each threat color. It is however way too easy to fluctuate in threat level. Threat volatility is supposed to make you slowly more or less lock into a threat level when playing consistently, but that's what dethreaters don't do so it's not nearly effective enough.

    I know that, but thats not something visible for the players, It will be better to make more threats visible to create a big incentive to threat up and prevent dethreating

  4. In my opinion apb matchmakining/threat system have more problems:

    • There is no incentive to be the highest threat that you can, that leads into dethreating issues and less people playing, if some incentive was added to the matchmaking/threat system more people will play missions trying to get to the higher threat that they can. It can be made in seasons with rewards at the end of each season depending on the threat you end, the kills that you made and the missions you win during the season period. With this system more people will be forced to play missions to get special rewards! The only incentive in APB matchmaking is dethreating to get more kills and win more.
    • Matchmaking algorithm doesnt take care of premades: thats something obvious, because if the game only have a pool of 40 players in the best moment it would take so long to find another premade that could fight in same condicion with other one. That will be easier with phasing, because there would be a larger pool of players and the system would be able to choose matches depending on group (2vs2 premades, 3vs3 premades and 4vs4 premades). We all know that playing with friends and comunicating with them is a good adventage.
    • Add more threats: there are 4 threats, and is very easy to get gold fast, so it will be awesome to make more threats where the best players will play, because I can feel that there are a big difference inside silver players and the same inside gold players, that threats could easily be divided into 2 different, that will help players to play more to reach the highest threat and get better rewards.

    This are the problems and solutions that I think are the best for apb.


    I think that making threat invisible wont be a good idea because people will have less motivation to play and improve!


    LO will also need to invest money on advertising to make the game big when they fix the matchmaking completly, it would be awesome that they do a big advertise when they upgrade to UE4 and everything is fixed!


    Oh, and sorry for my english, it isn't my native language 😂.

    • Thanks 1

  5. 22 minutes ago, PersianTiger said:

    I actually red the roadmap 2wice. 

    Looks like they have added it later not sure. thanks anyway. 

    I read it 3 days ago and it was already wrote! XDD

  6. 10 hours ago, Sonicdahedgie said:

    So you want all the players on one server, but with multiple servers. Brilliant.

    I want it like most of the games today, you can play on your region servers but you can play with friends from other regions, its crap that you cant play with someone from NA, or in the case of the spanish comunity, its splitted, because a big ammount of players that speak spanish play on NA, and another big ammount on EU.

  7. 8 hours ago, Dopefish said:

    I'm having a hard time understanding the original suggestion of this topic, as merging every server into a single one would make the game unplayable for a large amount of players.


    But the suggestion to allow for any character to join any server would be interesting, and there used to be a language option in the district selection menu that I imagined could have been used for that purpose:



    It would require alot of work to implement though, and it would mean a loss of revenue for Little Orbit as people would have less need for multiple characters.

    What I mean its having the same servers, but in the district selection you will be able to choose what  location of the server you want, for example. EU-Action-Financial-10 or NA-Action-Waterfront

  8. 8 minutes ago, Similarities said:

    Until you get a server in the middle of the ocean where everyone is going to have roughly the same ping, no. We already have Koreans playing with 400 ping to Jericho and Aussies playing with 200 ping, we'd absolutely kill any chance they have to play the game if we merge everyone to an NA/EU server, but if we put everyone on a server in the middle of the world (in terms of continents and countries), Americans and Aussies are gonna get dumpster ping. Simply put, no.


    However, if you mean the ability to swap "worlds/servers" rather than all of us being put on the same server, then to that I say sure, why the hell not? It'd be nice to be able to swap my characters from server to server so I can play on EU during the early morning of NA, and then NA later in the evening when EU has died down a bit. It'd also allow players from Han to swap to Jericho finally.

    I mean, have all the players in one server, but the server with different distrincts depending on where is located, so if you are from EU, play on EU servers, etc. But if oyu want to play with a friend from NA you can join a NA district.

    • Like 2

  9. My suggestion is to merge all servers into one world, so people from EU server is able to play with people from NA server, most of us have friends in the other server, and it will be nice to be able to play with them. 

    It has some cons:

    - There will be ping problems, but this can be easy to fix, separe districs in region. Ex: EU-Missions-Financial-1, NA-Missions-Financial-1, etc. (and if you want to play with other server friend you will need to sacrifice your ping)

    - Repeated name in servers, I dont know how this would be fixed.

    And also pros:

    - You will be able to play with any friend you have in APB.

    - Community will be bigger and stronger.

    - More player base and players on district all hours of the day.



    If you guys think more pros/cons post them so we can debate it!

    • Like 4

  10. 55 minutes ago, PTCntte said:

    You have a well explained guide at the beginning when you first spawn, it's well written too he just skipped it and did not read a single thing of it so It's not our own problem, it's his.


    No need for solo missions in a RPG FPS alike cop-robbers, he can simply experience most of the things by keep playing and practice his own skills.

    No one wants to read a guide, people want to play. And I also missed something like what I said when I started playing years ago.

    • Like 1

  11. I was playing yesterday with a friend, it was his first time playing APB, and he told me that one bad thing about the game was that If I couldn't explain him anything he wouldn't understand anything about the game.


    My suggestion is to add an inicial solo mission like planetside 2 has, to teach players how to do most basic things (basic section of tutorial) opening doors, different type of mission, objectives, etc

    This will make players have a basic knowledge about the game, at least they will now where they must go in a mission, if they need to defend or attack, and they will be learning to kill.


    I think thats so important, because its frustrating to start playing a game and be lost. I think lot of players that download the game for the first time leave them because they don't know basic things of the game.

    • Like 6

  12. On 5/31/2018 at 4:22 PM, LaQuandra said:

    The game is not very newbie friendly. The menu system is a mess and very confusing if you have no idea what you're doing. Most new players click the big button to join a district and have no idea what to do after that. If the district they are big button'd into is empty, they think the game is dead. I am sure there are a lot of people who downloaded the game but they have no idea what they are doing and quit shortly there after. A better tutorial and making sure new players are in a populated district is key to them staying around.


    To keep long time players around I agree that daily activities are a good idea. However, I was under the impression that with the current system, they are unable to automatically set up daily activities and it has to be done manually. With any luck the engine gets upgraded and they can automatically add daily/weekly activities and provide an incentive for people to log in/play daily. 

    Thats true, yesterday a friend downloaded the game, and I had to explain him everything. Maybe a solo mission like planetside has will be nice to teach people how to play, explain what they need to defend, what they need to attack etc.

    • Like 3

  13. 3 hours ago, LilyV3 said:

    if they can properly get rid of cheaters, and fix performance the game has good chances to become populated again.

    Another important think will be making new players see that the game isn't pay2win, maybe adding cases like other games is solution.

    • Like 1

  14. It is obvious that one of the biggest APB problems is low population on servers, maybe now there are some more players, but there is no a big community for each country like one day was. For example, I'm from Spain and its hard to find spanish people to play with, or a clan with active people.

    Long time ago APB has lot more of players, so first of all LO must focus on looking why people has left the game (maybe hackers, boring, p2w...) and fix that problems before try to get new users to the game.


    Now my suggestions: 


    Refeer a friend was good, but not so much players stayed, game need something that make you continue playing it. But it should be re-added.


    Adding cases that you can buy with APB$$ will be interesting because will motivate people to keep playing to have a change to get a permanent weapon or even some days of premium.


    Another suggestion will be using Steam Market, but I think this will be almost impossible to make as there is also a market inside the game, but can be interesting.


    Giving rewards to active players that log-in and play every day will motivate them to keep playing.



    If you have any suggestion leave it!


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  15. 2 minutes ago, Aeronaut said:

    I think they might be all gone because retailers 5-6 years ago were having a sale (probably to get rid of the non-selling excess stock) for about $5-6.

    Amazon is showing a box for $18.99 which is nowhere as good as a deal as it was at $5. Also, the weapons that come with the box aren't really anything amazing. I'd recommend just waiting a few months as we're currently in a transitioning period.

    I remember when for 5$ you got 1 month premium, 500g1c and permanent weapon, that were awesome times. I hope LO makes APB great again!

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