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Posts posted by SanityFlex

  1. I can't edit the post since there's a video in it, but there's a bunch of good examples of why this is a stupid solution in this reddit post atm:

    "I got banned for saying my nationality..."

    In the end, this only matters to Ubi, because Siege wants to be taken seriously as an e-sport, and that requires them fitting into Twitch's rules of conduct.

    Otherwise streamers are just gonna panic constantly as people yell the n word and what not on their stream, since they get the punishment even tho they had nothing to do with it happening.

  2. 14 hours ago, uraputz said:

    sadly it seems acceptable for nasty, toxic people to say and or do whatever they like as there is no recourse for their actions. hopefully that will change in time.

    This type of statement always freaks me out, cause i don't think you actually realize what you're asking for here. Controlling speech is almost always the worst possible solution, and it's gonna come back and hit you in the bum when the control gets excessive, and we all have to be super self aware of every single word we use. There is a person out there that will be offended for each and every possible thing you could think to say, having to censor yourself for everyone will just make you a silent nobody. You might take trash talk seriously, whilst i personally enjoy shooting the shit with some randos, cause that's all it is. Most people have no idea who you are, thereby making the insults completely baseless and meaningless. Actually letting yourself get affected by them is silly, and although some people can be annoying s**ts, the alternative you suggested here is far worse.

    I'd take the ability to talk freely over a safe controlled space anyday.

    14 hours ago, AlexandraTromp said:

    Yup turn off all the useless chats and if you're in voip with your mates tell them to stop it or get better mates. 

    Some people like to trash talk, that does not make them bad mates, you just prefer something different than they do.

    2 hours ago, killerskull said:

    Like every one who regurgitated and threw up in the next posters mouth just to repeat again, disable chat and whatever and ur good. The thing is, sometimes players get so frikkin toxic that they will tk u and then tea bag you. Even tho ur ignoring them and not doing chat or voip, the still come after you, visually I guess rather than text or audio. But that is a rare case.

    This is the real issue imo. (Tho please don't punish ALL tk'ers, some of us genuinely have fun killing/getting killed by our friends)

    1 hour ago, K3i said:

    as long as a game stays mainly PvP there will always be trash talking, simply learn how to trash talk yourself to fend them off because it will never end, there's just no point in avoiding it.

    Exactly, it's part of the fun if you embrace it. If you victimize yourself and take words from complete strangers personally, then it becomes an issue, have fun with it instead.
    • Like 1

  3. 7 hours ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    I like this idea, but it doesn't honestly solve the core problem of why people want to join the most populated servers in the first place.


    At the end of the day, it shouldn't matter what server you join - except for what kind of district you want to play in.

    Players should match with any other player currently in any instance of their same district.

    This would significantly improve your matches, because the server can choose from a much wider population.


    Unfortunately we need Phasing to make this work. Phasing is the ability to throw away the network layer and rebuild it without unloading all the level assets.

    That isn't supported in Unreal 3.0. So we've put this change as soon as possible after Unreal 3.5 launches.



    I f**king love how you explain what these things are, so we actually get an understanding of what it's about, and that you're not just making s**t up. I feel like i'm learning cool stuff about game development everytime.

  4. So imagine me and a friend are fighting you in one of the alleys, and you have to raid a door. Now my friend is in there waiting for you, whilst i'm somewhere else with a grenade launcher just spamming into the alley when you go in there. You will repeatedly die cause i can't kill my teammate, and you can't hide anywhere cause my teammate will kill you. So either way you lose.


    But with team damage, i can't just blast the whole area whilst my teammates are in there, so i have to be careful about my grenades. And therefore i can't just spam nades on you two when you're fighting in there.


    Or imagine you're holding the item at the last stage of a mission, and my teammate goes to take it from you, whilst i blow the crap out of your car and you with it. If there was no team damage, that would make us win everytime. And then you gotta take into account that newbies cannot get these explosive weapons, so removing friendly fire would make it even more unfair for them.

    And if i can shoot through my teammates, then i just have to rush every enemy with all my teammates, and everyone who doesn't do this gets f**ked even more.


    And since it seems like you're a solo player, you would be even worse off in this situation, since your teammates probably won't cooperate with you half the time.


    So removing friendly fire is obviously not the solution you  really want. 🙂

    • Like 1

  5. 4 minutes ago, SelttikS said:

    How about increasing the ttk on all the other guns instead? Make combat more Hollywood shoot out at the OK coral style.

    Yeah, i'm personally really sick of all these 1 headshot to kill games.


    Always appreciated how headshots weren't a thing in APB for this reason.



    Especially when it comes to beating hackers.

  6. On 6/23/2018 at 9:27 AM, a Pair of Socks said:


    I can relate to this in alot of ways, mainly in how you can be so close to certain friends, thinking they will be friends for life, and in the next moment be nobody cause they headed in a different direction in life.


    So far, after having had, and lost so many close friends in my life, i would almost conclude that everything is rather temporary, and you need to have that in the back of your mind at all times. Not only in the sense that you should appreciate every moment, but also in a way that you don't build your entire life around these people caring about you forever.

    People have kids, chase careers, and so on. And it sucks to watch them leave for these things, but it would probably suck even more to have held them back in life.

    In the end i'd say alot of us just share a journey together, and eventually we go each our own ways. People that used to care, start caring about other things instead, and maybe the best thing is just to be happy you had them, and move on to a new journey, perhaps with new people.

    But the main thing i'd advice you to do, is to just go out and care about a bunch of people. Be the type of person for others, that you want them to be for you. Cause in the end, if you can't do it, is it fair to expect them to care? Go be a good influence on the world, and good influences will come back to you 🙂

    And don't be afraid to be alone, it's a great opportunity to grow as an individual. 🙂

  7. 10 hours ago, AsgerLund said:

    Replying to in-game /d cancerous chat with even more cancerous chat thinking you're making the game a better place and being extremely self-righteous about it, when in fact you're contributing to making the environment even more hostile than it already is.


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