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About BronzeLife

  • Rank
    Bad Pengu

About Me

So-so APB player here to provide gold-level players ridiculously easy xp! /sadbuttrue😆 Actually, I mostly enjoy making custom symbols, finding new (to me) graffiti points to tag, and driving the cars (when my latency is good). I also find myself visiting servers with 1 or 2 other players on them to make sure (if they're new) they know how to find the current populated server (i.e., the Advanced tab on the District Select screen).


As for my custom symbols, they're nothing too complex—a far cry from the amazing anime portraits you find on the marketplace. My creations are listed waaay down in the lower price range.


On a good day in game, I'm all "gg" this and that. On a bad day, it's -_-# . . . "gg". You see, I don't mind losing matches. (I'm very good at this!) I just don't like being farmed for xp. So when your kill tally exceeds 10 and mine's still 0, please let me shoot you a little longer before crushing my hopes! Thanks! 🤣

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