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Posts posted by Tajmoti

  1. 31 minutes ago, mojical said:


    I cannot reproduce this problem, it seems to be an issue with BE compatibility on your end. For me the combination of Bottles and Proton-GE still works on the current patch.

    After killing all processes of the APB bottle, I am unable to reproduce this. Let's hope it stays this way. In any case, disregard my original message, at least for now.

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  2. I was pleasantly surprised by the ability to run APB on Linux (including the Steam Deck), but my joy seems to have been premature. After downloading the new OTW - Valentine's update, I am now getting kicked by BattleEye immediately after entering a district with the message "Unsupported platform". I hope disabling this restriction is a simple change, and you guys are going to do it. Pretty please!


  3. On 2/2/2023 at 6:02 PM, mojical said:

    Surprisingly, it took very little effort to make this new build run on Linux via Proton/Wine, unlike Live which crashes immediately at the district select screen at best. That alone is a huge step up in my opinion and a great incentive to start playing again, because I have pretty much ditched Windows completely other than a tiny partition to run a few well known benchmarks and overclocking tools.


    This also means the Steam Deck and devices with a similar software stack should be able to run the game now, though it is obvious this game is best enjoyed with a keyboard and mouse.


    The (simplified) steps I took for this were to install the game using Bottles and the default Soda runner, install the dotnet48 dependency in the same prefix, then have a separate entry for APB.exe and APBLauncher as the launcher can not start the game on Linux yet. Once 1.30 is out on Steam the process will be much more simple.


    Performance is comparable to Frosi's results on Windows and there are no issues with the anticheat, both BE and EAC support Linux by now.


    Here is a frametime plot complete with test specs and settings:



    I saw this being requested by someone else in the AMA so I hope others (especially with Nvidia hardware) give this a try and check if it works on their setup as well.



    I confirm that the game runs on Ubuntu 22.10 with an RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU.


    It runs almost flawlessly, there are two extra issues apart from the ones you mentioned:

    • Alt+Tabbing away from APB and back makes the game shrink into a tiny rectangle in the top left of the window, I was so far unable to fix it without a game restart.
    • I am unable to unlock the FPS cap because the game resets the config file on every launch. Making the config read-only didn't help.

    The performance is pretty much perfect, no stuttering or crashes. Although I can't say more since I am capped to 145 FPS.


    My configuration for anyone interested:

    Bottles 50.2 from Flathub

    Runner soda-7.0.7 (default)

    NVIDIA driver 525.60.11

    Both X11 and Wayland work

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