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Posts posted by BringBackTomorrow

  1. 22 hours ago, PonuryZniwiarz said:

    They didnt realize any of their plans.

    Weapon balancing they think they doing it good but everyone is playing colby  and ntec now (most of shotguns are not usable only jg, NFAS is watergun should be deleted no one playing with it cuz is big pou cuz LO made great balancing)

    They realizing their political correctness only with popular things like black people but they dont give a fuck a bout war and russian Z players becouse its too big base of players, its so pathetic

    Would you buy a book and afterwards find it literally gosh darn shiet, then afterwards go back to the book store and tell the people that they're idiots?

  2. 12 hours ago, Pista said:


    You don't need a bot to kill Summit1G in APB.  That person shooting the wall like that could be due to lag which APB did lag a lot back then. People would pack the district Summit1G was in to grief him all the time.  





    You see, it's not a lag. I really don't care about Summt and his gameplay tbh. I don't watch him either.

    Now I've seen it couple of times now, and 2.21 he fights Summit and then it switches to watch it from his gameplay. Funny enough, that snap is not shown at his video from 2.27 till 2.32. That's such a coincidence right? 😄 😄 😄 




    On 2/14/2024 at 2:49 PM, Sayori said:

    YouTube is full of "montages" of those clowns that are so bad at the game and are SO unaware of it that they think  blatantly locking looks legit. The only thing more obvious is EpicGoat with SHAW

    I swear APB has the most mentally deficient and most mentally warped players I've ever seen.

    Think he got SHAWcopter named after him right? 


    16 hours ago, Y2Venom said:
    • 2:21 You can clearly see aimbotting in that video. You can see the old fashion snapp when he starts shooting the wall towards the other player. Then he re-ajusts to kill Summit1G.
    • 3:00 you can clearly see his wall hack. He starts cooking a grenade but Summit1G runs in the other direction. To which he stopps cooking the grenade, runs in the opposite direction to catch Summit1G.

    Excellent bans .


    2 hours ago, Pista said:


    Aimbot for shooting a wall and just added that footage anyways?  3:00 no wall hack, Playing APB enough you can predict where most players will be or come from. He might of had someone watching Summit1G stream too. Summit1G was good in Counter Strike but sucked in APB due to not putting in same amount of time in it.  Any time he streamed APB people would make characters to come grief him.


    Tiggs would manually ban whoever she wanted back then. When Little Orbit took over they looked into reversing bans tiggs made. At that point damage was already done to APB NA Player base.





    I am looking forward to read your explaining of that clear snap at 2:21, Pista

  4. 3 minutes ago, GoPlayUWO said:

    And? What does this prove? A sort of prescription hypocrisy? Times change, world changes, people doesn't change (well, debatable). "My way or the highway". Or ask 'em, ALL TOGETHER, to look closer and deeper about this (not so interesting) issue, persuading them to change their minds.

    When you have a rule some people think is crazy, they start debate about it.


    If you find that weird, ask yourself how rules, politics etc. are made.

  5. On 2/7/2024 at 11:12 AM, ColtBlake said:

    This is not just my opinion. This is my personal expirience. Against high-level gold and silver players, I had low-level bronze and green players on my team. These bronze and green players didn't even know what to do. What validation do you need for this? You can probably see this on Twitch, because I wasn’t the only one who saw this matchmaking.

    Personal experience validates only for yourself, some may have other experiences than yourself. Meanwhile I've heard and experienced the opposite than you in-game for first time in almost a half year I guess. I am silver now and got hooked up with some other silvers who got well knowledge of the game, but well skill might turned down for years. #life-goes-on




    On 2/7/2024 at 2:53 PM, Pista said:

    That past few days, soon as it makes one team, i see teammates doing /abandon mission. 

    If he leaves before the mission starts and you get opposition, whats the problem? At least you get opposition..?

  6. On 1/10/2024 at 4:08 PM, Kitty Yekaterina said:

    Could we get update on this pls from any gm? Since gm ritual who started all this quit lil orbit. Can we get update from new gm on hers/his place? Is this still a thing? Does anyone work on new clothes section?

    Can we at least get that swimsuit which was programmed since start of the game but never unlocked from g1 and which exists in files like new car mirage so that u bring some old players back perhaps? 🤔

    Live from designing crew:



  7. 8 hours ago, Emily said:

    Hello everyone,

    Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (02/07) starting at 9 AM UTC.

    This week's maintenance is a bit special as we are kicking off our Valentine's event, with the sale following on the 8th. Due to these updates, we expect the maintenance period to be slightly longer than usual. We're estimating that the game will be back up and running within 6 to 10 hours.


    Patch notes:

    • Enabled Valentine's Event.
    • Added a new Valentine's Event Role called "Someone's favourite"
    • Added three new Valentine's weapons.


    For more details, keep an eye out for a news article detailing all things Valentine's 2024

    That is very impressive considered of the downtime period already for the servers during this week. However, its good with the Valentine event but that's a pretty long downtime considered of just an event uploading like Christmas..

  8. On 1/27/2024 at 3:18 PM, MarkiJeg said:


    I have huge FPS drops when I'm near explosions (cars, grenades) and fires (mission targets, cars). Any idea how I can fix that? I've tried minimizing most of the stuff in Advanced Launcher what has an effect on explosions/fires but still haven't got it fixed. Any other ideas or suggestions? Mostly have 80ish fps constan but explosions/fires drop that fps down to 20-30 (depends on the distance)

    Back in the days, Horseporn caused alot of problems with internet connection (have I heard from a friend...)

  9. 14 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Gold Demons dominam a missão, eles amaldiçoam o jogo

    Anos de tortura pelo Ouro. Arruinar o jogo

    Matt Scott é um sociopata assistindo a tortura e rindo.

    Somente Deus o julgará por seus atos

    Mas ninguém julgará Deus.

    "Gold Demons" ???


    Rest is nonsense language

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